
Research Article

Sports Training

International Journal of Research Padagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2023 Volume 12 Number 01 JAN-MAR

The Current Practice and Challenges of Coaching Volleyball: In the Case of Some Selected Woredas Volleyball Project in Hadiya Zone

Gorfu B.1*, Hundito B.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i01.226

1* Beletech Gorfu , Faculty, MscinVolleyball Coaching, High School Teacher , HADIYA, , Ethiopia.

2 Biruk Hundito, Assistant Professor, College of Natural and Computational Sciences Department of sports sciences, Wachemo University, Ethiopia, , Ethiopia.

The main objective of the study was to investigate the current practice and challenges of coaching volleyball sports in the case of some selected woredas volleyball project in Hadiya zone. To achieve this objective, Cross sectional survey method helps to have general understanding of the problem by studying the current status, nature of the prevailing conditions and trends through relevant and precise information. The research populations include volleyball coaches, sport administrator officer from Hadiya Zone and selected woredas and volleyball players. Total population are 95, were selected with purposive sampling. Four instruments such as questionnaire, interview, observation and document analysis were used to gather the data. The data was entered in to SPSS version 20. The descriptive analysis of the data was analyzed by using both qualitative and quantitative methods, such as frequency counts, percentage, mean, standard deviation and descriptive statements. The major findings of this study are; the coaches in the Zone are not well trained, the projects lack of interest of the trainer and coaches, facilities and equipment, scientific training methods and less attention given for the project, less emphasis given to the value of volleyball in general and in particular for projects, absence of transparent and accountable of administration, absence of long term and permanent fund for the projects and lack of sufficient volleyball courts in the area and less emphasis given to even the existing ones, limited number of coaches and even lack of professional competencies among them was also another core problem raised by the participants of the study. Based on the findings the following recommendations were suggested: The coaches who are assigned in the projects must be qualify their profession to identify the talent of the players, the concerned organ at zone and woredas level offices should establish clear and effective follow up, monitoring and evaluation procedures, allocate enough budgets which are needed for volleyball projects, facilitate regular capacity building trainings, especially more emphasis has to be given to upgrade the license for volleyball coaches at different levels.

Keywords: Volleyball, Challenges, Coaches and Current Status

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Beletech Gorfu , Faculty, MscinVolleyball Coaching, High School Teacher , HADIYA, , Ethiopia.
Beletech Gorfu , Biruk Hundito, The Current Practice and Challenges of Coaching Volleyball: In the Case of Some Selected Woredas Volleyball Project in Hadiya Zone. IJEMS. 2023;12(01):9-19.
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© 2023by Beletech Gorfu , Biruk Hunditoand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Volleyball is one of the most successful and popular competitive and recreational sports in the world. It is fast, it is exciting and the action is explosive. Yet Volleyball comprises several crucial overlapping elements whose complimentary interactions render it unique amongst rally games. In recent years the FIVB has made great strides in adapting the game to a modern audience. This text is aimed at a broad Volleyball public - players, coaches, referees, spectators, commentators - for the following reasons: Understanding the rules better, allows better play -coaches can create better team structure and tactics, allowing players full rein to display their skills; understanding the relationship between rules allows officials to make better decisions (Official volleyball rules 2017-2020).

According to IOC Sport Manual (2010) states that ; the support given by the public authorities and the technical and financial resources provided for sport development can vary widely depending on the political choices, level of development and priorities in different countries. Whereas sport contributes for government are obvious; creating socialization among societies, promote health and wellbeing individuals in a country through physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

The negative effects of poor volleyball project management, which are the results of appointing project managers who lack sufficient knowledge and skills in the area of volleyball project management, are repeatedly raised by many individuals from the volleyball communities. This notion, which states that appointing volleyball managers who lack sufficient knowledge and skills in the area of volleyball project management is one of the major problems in the development of modern volleyball project in Ethiopia, has also been raised by volleyball journalists from both electronic and written mass media. Thus, it is not difficult to understand that there is no effective and modern volleyball project organization and management systems in most Ethiopian volleyball projects according to the above mentioned studies and personal career experiences.

The recent study indicated that, lack of annual budget, lack of empowerment of the profession , lack of training for the coach and referee in volleyball sport and the concerned

bodies give less attention to the sport instead of only thinking of football are some of the major problems that hinder the development of volleyball sport in the woreda. Even though the attitude of the community towards to volleyball sport in Hadiya zone Analemo and Gombora volleyball projects is great, the participant and the competition in the sport are lowered from time to time.


  • To investigate the current practice and challenges of coaching volleyball sports in the case of some selected woredas volleyball project in Hadiya zone.

Materials and Methods

The study was design descriptive survey method to investigate the current practice and challenges of coaching volleyball sports in the case of some selected woredas volleyball project in Hadiya zone. For instance, the researcher was used the cross sectional survey method which is strongly believe to be the most appropriate for addressing the intended aim of this study. Cross sectional survey method helps to have general understanding of the problem by studying the current status, nature of the prevailing conditions and trends through relevant and precise information combining the two method approach (quantitative and qualitative) is helpful to come up with well validated and substantiated findings. In order to collect information aboutthe current practice and challenges of coaching volleyball sports in the case of some selected woredas volleyball project in Hadiya zone.The primary data was collected through questionnaires, interview and observation.

In order to select sample from the target population, the researcher adapted purposive sampling strategies. The research population include a range of respondents namely volleyball coaches, sport administrator from zone sport office and selected woredas sport office and volleyball players. Target population numbers were 95. Those are 6 volleyball coaches from selected two woredas and zones, 50 volleyball players from Gombora male and Anelemo female volleyball projects, 39 sports office administrative from Hadiya zone, Gombora and Anelemo administrative sport office respondents was selected from all the sample of the study site. The target population for this study were 95(100%).

After the collected and gathered of data from the respondents analyzing was used filled with computer SPSS Statistics version 20software into interprets in percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Depending on the nature of the variables quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis method was employed.


Table 1, Regarding to volleyball project players training

Enclosed as Annexure 01

Based on the above table two items one it says for the volleyball project players selected with scientific way in this project 3(6%)(M= 3) of the respondents were strongly agree, 10(20%)(M=10) of them they said that agree, 6(12%)(M= 6) of the respondents were said that neutral, 21(42%) of them they said that strongly disagree and the rest 10(20%) of the participant said that strongly disagree.  From this the researcher concludes that majority of the volleyball project players in the study area was not selected with scientific ways in the study areas. 

According to items two 7(14%)(M=5,SD= 2.82843) of the respondents strongly agree and they said that have sufficient training per week, 15(30%)(M= 12.5, SD = 3.53553) of them agree, 2(4%)(M= 4, SD = 2.828434) of them they said neutral, 24(48%)(M = 22.5,SD = 2.12132) of the participants were disagree and the remaining 2(4%)(M= 6, SD = 5.65685) of the respondents were  strongly disagree about have sufficient training per week.       According to, Volleyball Introduction to Coaching Theory Training programmers use exercise or practice to develop the qualities required for an event. The process of training can be planned because training follows certain principles. These principles of training need to be fully understood before the coach can produce effective long term programmers.  Based on the above volleyball project players the researcher concludes that they have not sufficient training programmes per week.

With regard to coach assist in each training session, 5(10%)(M= 5, SD = 2) of the respondents response replied that strongly agree, 23(46%)(M = 16, SD = 6.55744) of them they agree, 1(2%)(M = 3, SD = 2.64575) neutral, 15(30%)(M = 20,SD = 4.58258) of the participants were disagree, while 6(12%)(M = 6.SD = 4) of them were theircoach assist in each

training session. Majority of the respondent’s volleyball project player’s response indicated that their coaches assist in each training session.

Concerning the punctuality of the volleyball project players, 5(10%)(M=5, SD=1.63299) of them strongly agree they arrive on time, 15(30%)(M=15.75, SD = 5.37742) of the participant response were agree, 2(4%)(M = 2.75, SD = 2.21736) of the neutral, 20(40%) (M = 20, SD = 3.74166) said that disagree and the rest 8(16%)(M =6.5, SD = 3.41565) respondents were strongly disagree. Additionally 1(16.7%)(M=1) and 2(33.3%) (M=1.75, SD=0.95743) of the participant volleyball coaches respectively they said strongly agree and agreethey have responsible to arrive on time during each training session while the rest 2(33.3%)(M= 2, SD= 0.8165) and 1(16.7%)(M= 0.75, SD= 0.5) of them respectively disagree and strongly disagree were they have not responsible to arrive on time during each training session. From the response of the participant volleyball project players response the researcher concluded that majority of them were not punctuality of the volleyball project playersto arrive on time during each training session. According to, the punctuality of the coach, 5(10%)(M = 5, SD = 1.41421)  of the trainee replied that their coach is responsible to arrive on time in every training session, 15(30%)(M = 15.6,SD = 4.66905) of them were said agree, 1(2%)(M = 2.4, SD = 2.07364) of the respondents were neutral, 21(42%)(M = 20.2, SD = 3.27109) of the participants were disagree while 8(16%)(M= 6.8, SD = 3.03315) of them said strongly disagree. Based on the response of the participant volleyball project players response the researcher concluded that majority of them were their coachwas not responsible to arrive on time during each training session.

With regard to their training is convenient to conduct the training program,6(12%)(M= 6.2222, SD=3.99305) of the respondents responded strongly agree,12(24%)(M=16.3333, SD=6.245)were replies agree,5(10%)(M=3.111,SD=2.08833)of the participants response indicate neutral, 20(40%)(M=17.2222, SD= 6.03692)of the participants respondents were disagree while the rest 7(14%)(M= 7.111,SD= 2.97676)of the respondents said that strongly disagreethe training is convenient to conduct the training program. From this the researcher based on the majority of respondent response

concludes that their training is not convenient to conduct the training program.

Concerning the skills of demonstration of their coach, 10(20%)(M= 6,SD= 3.83761) of them strongly agree said that he shows them each skill in each training session, 13(26%)(M= 14.75, SD=6.1515) of them were agree, 5(10%)(M= 4.5,SD= 3.371) of the respondents were neutral, while the rest 16(32%)(M= 18.0833,SD= 5.64814) and 6(12%)(M=6.6667,SD=2.67423) of the respondents respectively disagree and strongly disagree that  he was not shows them each skill in each training session.

According to coach‘s method of training is capable to improve their ability, 5(10%)(M= 5.4,SD= 3.69942) and 17(34%)(M=14.0667,SD=6.0765) of the respondents were respectively strongly agree and agree their coach‘s method of training is capable to improve their ability, 18(36%)(M= 5,SD=4.79583) of them neutral, 7(14%)(M= 18.4667, SD=6.64258) of the participants were disagree and the remaining 3(6%)(M=7.0667, SD=3.39046) of the respondents replies strongly disagree their coach‘s method of training is not capable to improve their ability.

Based on their coach give special treatment for weak project players, 2(4%)(M= 5.1875, SD = 3.67367) were strongly agree, 10(20%)(M = 13.8125, SD = 5.95784) of the participants were said agree their coach give special treatment for weak project players, 13(26%)(M = 5.5, SD = 5.04645) were neutral, 17(34%)(M= 18.375,SD = 6.42780) of the participant respondents were disagree while the rest 8(16%)(M = 7.125, SD = 3.2838) of them strongly disagree were their coach cannot give special treatment for weak project players.

Concerning the coach plan to a training unit, 3(6%) (M= 5.0588, SD = 3.59636) were strongly agree, 13(26%)(M = 13.7647, SD = 5.77202) of the respondents participants of volleyball project players were agree, 10(20%)(M=5.7647,SD= 5.00661) of them neutral, 19(36%) (M =18.4118, SD= 6.22554) of the participants were disagree and the remaining 5(10%)(M=7, SD = 3.22102) of respondent of volleyball project players were strongly disagree and they said that their coach  cannot plan to a training unit. From this the researcher concluded that their coaches don’t have plan to training unite in the volleyball projects in the study areas. 

Table 2, Regarding to training facilities and equipment’s

Enclosed as Annexure 02

As indicated in table 3, shows that the adequate facilities and equipment from sport office administrators,1(2%)(M=4.3333,SD=2.06559)of them strongly agree, 13(26%) (M=15. 1667, SD=4.30891) of the participants were agree they have adequate facilities and equipment from sport office administrators, 5(10%)(M=2.8333,SD= 2.13698) of them were neutral, 19(38%)(M=20,SD= 2.96648)0f the participant respondents were responded disagree and the remaining 12(24%)(M=7.6667,SD= 3.4448)of the participants response replied that strongly disagree. Additionally 1(16.7%)(M= 1.1667, SD=0.40825)and 1(16.7%)(M= 1.6667, SD= 0.81650)of the participant coaches response indicate that strongly agree and agree have they got adequate facilities and equipment from sport office administrators, 3(50%)(M=1,SD=1.09545) of them replies that neutral and rest 1(16.7%)(M=1.6667,SD=0.81650) of the participant coaches said that disagree they have not got adequate facilities and equipment from sport office administrators. Based on the majorities of participant the researcher concluded that were no adequate support of facilities and equipment from sport office administrators for volleyball project players training.

According to inadequate financial support from sport office, 15 (30%) (M=5.8571,SD= 4.45079) of the responses  volleyball project players were strongly agree on the training inadequate financial support from sport office to the training program, 14(28%)(M= 15, SD3.1429) of the responses agree,5(10%)(M=3.1429,SD=2.1157) of the participants were neutral, 9(18%) (M=18.4 286, SD = 4.96176) of the responses disagree and the rest 7(14%)(M=7.5714,SD= 3.15474) of the responses strongly disagree inadequate financial support from sport office.

Concerning to absence of necessary equipment to carry out volleyball players, 9(18%)(M= 6.25, SD= 4.26782) and 30(60%)(M=16.875, SD= 6.44621) of the participants volleyball projects players respectively strongly agree and agree  were absence of necessary equipment to carry out volleyball players, 1(2%)(M=2.875,SD= 2.10017) were neutral and the rest 6(12%)(M=

16.875,SD= 6.35694) and 4(8%)(M= 7.125, SD= 3.18198) of the participants were  respectively replies that disagree and strongly disagree absence of necessary equipment to carry out volleyball players.

Regarding to have sufficient sport facilities for training and practice, 3(6%)(M= 5.9, SD=3.90014)of them replies strongly agree, 8(16%)(M=15.5, SD= 6.42580) of them were said agree, 11(22%)(M=3.9,SD=3.17805) of them neutral,23(46%)(M=17.8,SD=5. 97774)of the respondents were disagree and the remaining 5(10%)(M=6.9,SD=2.8 8483)of the volleyball project players were strongly disagree have not sufficient sport facilities for training and practice.

Based on have quality of training materials, 3(6%)(M= 5.6364, SD= 3.80191) of the respondent responses the quality of the material were strongly agree, 9(18%)(M= 14.9091, SD = 6.42580) of them were replies agree, 10(20%)(M= 4.4545, SD= 3.53167) of them were responded neutral, 23(46%)(M= 18.2727,SD= 5.88372) of them were disagree and the remaining 5(10%)(M= 6.7273, SD= 2.79610) of them were strongly disagree. These shows that the quality of material was poor and the training for volleyball project players were not safe for training.  According to, Bennet,(1974) the most essential thing to any sport program is the maximum utilization of facilities which includes the most effective use of equipment and the best means of buying and storing supplies.

According to sport facilities are suitable for quality training, 1(2%)(M= 5.6154, SD=3.92722) of the participants respondents indicates strongly agree, 12(24%) (M=14.5 385, SD=5.93879) of the participants response were replies that agree, 1(2%) (M=4.230 8,SD= 3.37031), 28(56%) (M= 18.8462, SD= 6.06693) of the participants volleyball project players were disagree sport facilities were not suitable for quality training while 8(16%)(M= 6.7692, SD= 2.58695) were strongly disagree sport facilities were not suitable for quality training.

For items in the above table for question has sufficient sport equipment for training and practice, 3(6%)(M= 5.4286, SD= 3.83735) were strongly agree, 5(10%)(M= 13.8571, SD= 6.24940) of the participant volleyball project players were agree has sufficient sport equipment for training and practice,

2(4%)(M= 4.074, SD= 3.29252) were neutral and the rest 25(50%)(M= 19.2857, SD= 6.056551) and 15(30%)(M= 7.3571, SD= 3.31911) of the volleyball project players were respectively disagree and strongly disagree has not sufficient sport equipment for training and practice.

With regard to have you got adequate diet after training or proper diet, 1(2%)(M=4.8333, SD= 3.61777) of the respondents were strongly agree, 4(8%)(M= 13.2222, SD= 6.05422) of the were agree they have got adequate diet after training, 5(10%)(M= 5.7222, SD=4.86047)of them neutral and the remaining 26(52%)(M= 18.8333, SD=6.29893) and 9(18%)(M= 7.1111, SD= 3.1602) of the participants of volleyball project players respectively were disagree and strongly disagree they don‘t take proper diet both before and after each training session and their coaches don‘t have a deep know how about nutrients. According to Drnheim, et al, 2000, Diet is a major importance to the sport person.  Different performers require different types of food, reflecting the different types of physical activity that are undertaken. In addition, a person‘s diet may change prior to competition.

Table 3, View of sport administrative on the volleyball project training

Enclosed as Annexure 03

As indicate table 4 for questionshave support for volleyball projects players,1(2.6%) (M=1) of the respondent responses were indicate strongly agree, 5(12.8%)(M=5) of them were agree, 10(25.8%)(M=10) of the participants response indicate neutral the remaining 16(41.1%)(M=16) and 7(17.9%)(M=7)of the participants were respectively disagree and strongly disagree have not support their volleyball projects players. Based on the above table for questionthat the administrative support is sufficient, 5(12.8%) (M=3, SD=2.828 43) and 5(12.8%)(M= 5) of the participate sport office administrative were respectively strongly agree and agree  that the support they provide was sufficient, 6(15.4%)(M= 8,  SD=2.82843) were neutral while the rest 15(38.5%)(M=15.5, SD=0.70711) and 8(2 0.5 %) (M= 7.5, SD= 0.70711) of the participants of sport office administrative were respectively disagree and strongly disagree that the support they provide was not sufficient.

Regarding to meeting schedule of sport office administrative,5(12.8%)(M=3.6667,SD=2.

30940) of them were said strongly agree, 9(23.1%)(M= 6.3333, SD= 2.309) of the participant response indicates agree, 8(20.5%)(M=8,SD=2) were neutral and the remaining 10(25.8%)(M=1 3.21455, SD= 3.21455) and 7(17.9%) (M=7.3333, SD= 0.5 7 735) of the respondent responses were respectively disagree and strongly disagree they have not meeting schedule of sport office administrative. This majority of participants’ response shows that project Administrative staff has no meeting schedule and discussion program.

On the above table 4 indicates that have any formal selection procedure adopted for coaches, 2(5.1%)(M= 3.8333, SD= 1.94079) said that strongly agree, 10(25.8%)(M= 8.5, SD= 4.72229) of the respondents agree and said that all projects have formal coach selection procedure,6(15.4%)(M= 7, SD= 2.09762) of the participants response indicates neutral and the remaining 18(46.2%)(M= 13.1667, SD= 3.60093) and 3(7.7%)(M= 4.8333, SD= 2.78687) of the respondents respectively said that disagree and strongly disagree all projects have not use formal coach selection of procedure. According to Debora and Bennet, p.1976, the overall administration of all sport activities are checked by administrative bodies that are also responsible to offer financial management & aid in additions, administration create formal coach selection procedure and assign perfect coach.

Based on question their coaches have annual plan which is allocated for each training session, 6(15.4%)(M= 3.75, SD= 2.12132) and 10(25.6%)(M= 8.25,SD= 4.23421)of the  participants of sport administrative office respondents respectively were they said strongly agree and agree their coaches have annual plan which is allocated for each training session, 5(12.8%)(M= 7.125, SD= 2.23207) were neutral while the rest 13(36.8%)(M= 13.5, SD= 3.20713) and 5(12.8%)(M= 5.125, SD= 2.47487) were respectively said that disagree and strongly disagree their coaches have not annual plan which is allocated for each training session.

Regarding to the question low attention given to the projects is affecting coaching volleyball projects, 6(15.4%)(M= 4.3636, SD= 2.24823) and 20(51.3%)(M= 10.0909, SD= 5.12747) of the sport administrative office respondents were said that strongly agree and agree low attention given to the projects is affecting coaching volleyball projects, 3(7.7%)(M= 6.2727, SD= 2.49363) of

the participant response indicate neutral and the remaining 7(17.9%)(M= 12.0909, SD= 3.673) and 3(7.7%)(M= 5.5455,SD= 2.70743) of the respondents of sport administrative respondents respectively replies that disagree and strongly disagree were low attention given to the projects was not affecting coaching volleyball projects. From these majority respondents responses the researchers concluded that giving low attention to the projects was affect coaching volleyball projects.

Concerning to choose volleyball players based on talent while screening to the project, 4(10.3%)(M=4.3333, SD=2.14617)of the respondent responses indicates strongly agree, 13(36.8%)(M=10.3333 ,SD=4.96045)of them were agree, 7(17.9%) (M=6.3333,SD=2.3 8683)of the participants response replies neutral and the rest 10 (25.6%) (M=11.9167, SD=3.5537) and 5(12.8%)(M=5.5,SD=2.11058) of the participants respectively response indicates disagree and strongly disagree were does not take full physical examination to choose volleyball players based on talent while screening to the project. Additionally, volleyball project coaches respondents concerning to the time of screening the players for this project does the player take full physical examination by professionals, 2(33.3%)(M=1.0909,SD = 0.94388) and 2(33.3%)(M= 1.5455, SD= 0.68755) of the respondent responses respectively were indicate strongly agree and agree they were follow systematic approach to talent identification procedure in selection of volleyball project players and the rest 2(33.3%)(M = 1.8182, SD = 0.75076) of them were disagree they not follow systematic approach to talent identification procedure in selection of volleyball project players. According to Chris Lyone (2007-2011) coaches and scouts in Australia use a more long-term approach that involves developing young volleyball project players that show potential and identifying their talent through training campus, competition seasons etc.

With regard to lack of qualified coach was affect coaching volleyball projects, 14(35.9%)(M= 4.9286,SD= 3.29252)and14(35.9%)(M= 10.2143, SD= 4.90178)of the participants  sport office administrative were respectively strongly agree and agree lack of qualified coach was affect coaching volleyball projects players,1(2.6%)(M= 5.7857,SD=2.66541) of them neutral and the rest 8(20.5%)(M=12.2143,SD=4.09838) and 2(5.1%)(M=5.3571,SD=2.20514)

of the respondents respectively they replies that disagree and strongly disagree lack of qualified coach was not affect coaching volleyball projects players.


The study was design descriptive survey method to investigate the current practice and challenges of coaching volleyball sports in the case of some selected woredas volleyball project in Hadiya zone. For instance, the researcher was used the cross sectional survey method which is strongly believe to be the most appropriate for addressing the intended aim of this study.

The research population include a range of respondents namely volleyball coaches, sport

Administrator, volleyball players, Total population numbers of were 95 those are selected by purposive sampling methods.

The data collected was analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation  and word, and then based on the data analysis the following major findings were obtained:-

  • Most of the coaches in the Hadiya Zone selected woredas are not well trained and the quality and nature of coaching is poor.
  • Most coaches doesn‘t have a good know how on training methods and annual or periodic plan. Hence they couldn‘t offer a formal training due to this and other important factors. And the coach doesn‘t get the opportunity to get further training programmed to improve they competence.
  • The Zone and woredas sport office administrative doesn‘t have a close contact so as to monitor and evaluate the coach in the area more over the volleyball projects doesn‘t get proper and sufficient coaching materials.
  • The concerning bodies has completely or partially failed to accomplish the following major activities.
  • It doesn‘t properly supply necessary materials to the projects on time
  • It doesn‘t have close monitoring and regular evaluation
  • It doesn‘t prepare volleyball project competition so that the players in the projects couldn‘t get
  • the opportunity to share experience among the others.
  • It doesn‘t give a regular training to the coaches in the projects to improve their technical competence.
  • To this end, it doesn‘t have a properly designed plan so that it doesn‘t accomplish its task effecting in order to attain its final target /goal.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the results of the study, the researcher has found the following major problems, most of which are administrative, service and equipment related, which have to be revised straightaway. These are:-

  • The players were the immediate centres of the training program. Therefore, the interest of players is a key factor for success in volleyball playing.
  • The principles of training are the foundation of this complex process knowing the training factors was clarify the role each factor plays in training. In the projects, records were made to be broken continually due to improved performance of the players.
  • There is a gap between the project players and coaches. Because players attitude towards the coach was very low, the support that the project were inadequate, from the finding the major problems of were lack of scientific method of training and ignorant to the methodology of coaching, as well as the quality and quantity of training facilities and lack of qualified coaches.
  • The lack of interest of the trainer and coaches, qualified coaches, facilities and equipment, scientific training methods and less attention given for the project.
  • Less emphasis given to the value of volleyball in general and in particular for projects. The investors and sport officers at all levels, absence of transparent and accountable of administration.
  • Absence of long term and permanent fund for the projects and lack of sufficient volleyball courts in the area and less emphasis given to even the existing ones.
  • Limited number of coaches and even lack of professional competencies among them

  • was also another core problem raised by the participants of the study. Hence, the number and their educational status have to be increased so that of interest volleyball projects can easily be achieved in Hadiya zone selected woredas.

Based on the findings of the study, the following are the possible recommendation followed:-

  • There should be unreserved commitment of the zone and selected woredas sport offices together with the general public and investors by creating awareness for the current statuspractice and challenges of coaching volleyball project. This could be achieved through introducing fundamental structural changes in the administration system by giving greater focus to human resource increment and facilitating the techniques of improving the material and financial power of the projects.
  • Among the rooted problems, as indicated by this research, less emphasis given to the services and equipment has to be immediately revised. This could be done through creating awareness and working hard in the fund raising motion and possibly introducing different techniques for income generating activities.
  • The coaches must prepare monthly and annual time table/schedule so as to carry out his/her task effectively and efficiently.
  • They should have to hold periodic athletics events/races so that they can measure the competences and weaknesses of the volleyball players who are being raised in the projects. They must also provide the athletes with special fitness training to complete fitness component.
  • Although it is beyond their capacity, coaches are expected to request and follow up additional regular training program in order to gain more knowledge in the volleyball projects.
  • Furthermore they must monitor and evaluate the overall performance of coaches, volleyball project players and so on; because, this action plays the way to produce strong & tough volleyball players in the entire projects of the zone. They have to provide the projects with facilities like necessary sport wearing &equipments that are available and other essential supplies on time; because absence of these items can pose strong negative impact on the projects.
  • The officers are expected to arrange & supply basic needs to the projects like neat water, Training field, technical aids and prepare additional training to the existing coaches.
  • They should have to prepare incentive/motives to the best performing project players and coaches so that they will even strive for a better achievements .In addition; they have to evaluate the periodic report of the coaches. This in turn aids to know the status of the players and the coaches in the projects.
  • The government should support volleyball projects through; material support, financial support, facilitating infrastructures, inviting Amateurs and like for the volleyball project challenges of coaching.
  • Lastly, lack of high grade positions and competitive salary are contributing a lot to the high turnover of sport professionals. Over and above, in the zonal and selected woredas level offices should establish clear and effective follow up, monitoring and evaluation procedures, allocate enough budgets which are needed for volleyball projects, facilitate regular capacity building trainings, especially more emphasis has to be given to upgrade the license for volleyball coaches at different levels.


Annexure 01

Table 1, Regarding to volleyball project players training

SA = Strongly agree, A = Agree, N= Neutral,   DA= Disagree, SDA= Strongly disagree

226 p02 table01.png

Source raw data 2014 E.C

Annexure 02

Table 2, Regarding to training facilities and equipment’s

226 p02 table02.png

Source raw data 2014 E.C

Annexure 03

Table 3, View of sport administrative on the volleyball project training

226 p02 table03.png

Source raw data 2014 E.C



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