
Research Article

Sports Psychology

International Journal of Research Padagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2023 Volume 12 Number 02 APR-JUN


Thakur J.1*
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i02.251

1* Jitender Thakur, Assistant Professor, Physical Education, Govt Degree College, Theog, Shimla, H.P., India .

The purpose of the study was to find the personality as a psychologicaldifferential amongfemaleteam sports person in some selected games. For the purpose of the study, 22female team sports person (11 Handball 11Hockey) were randomly selected as the subjects for the study. Thevariable selected for the purpose of this study was:Personality. The Personality was assessed by the total scores in Personality Inventory by S.S Jalota and S.D Kapoor Eysenck’s “Personality Inventory” adapted and standardized in India. With the help of the questionnaire related to personality as apsychologicalvariable necessary data were collected. Data were collected with regard to personality variable from 22female team sports person in a group setting. Before administering of research questionnaire, the Team Incharges, Coaches/Managers of different teams were contacted and their cooperation in the task of data collection was solicited.The data pertaining to Personality variable had been analyzed by using the ‘t’ test in order to assess and compare the psychological variableamong interuniversity femaleVolleyballteam sports person and interuniversity female Basketball team sports person. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference among inter university female team sports person. On the basis of the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:The inter university femaleHandball sports person are better on the variable of personality in comparison to inter university female Hockey team sports person.

Keywords: Personality, Team Sports Person, Handball and Hockey

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Jitender Thakur, Assistant Professor, Physical Education, Govt Degree College, Theog, Shimla, H.P., India .
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2023-02-08 2023-02-23 2023-03-08 2023-04-19 2023-05-17
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© 2023by Jitender Thakurand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Sports come cloaked in many guises-men in defiance of nature, man confronting man, man against animal, man against machine. The range of athletic competition is great from individual contests to team meets, from summer games to winter past times from regional events to national competition. Whether aquatics, skiing or hot dog skiing, motorcycle racing or motorboat racing, demolition derby or Irish Sweepstakes Derby, lumberjacking or wrist wrestling, Gaelic games or Olympic games, each has its own unique character, its own interest and passion, and its own enthusiasts. All sports however have two common denominator dynamic challenges to man and a psychological spur to victory.

Sports psychology is the scientific study of behavior in sports or sports related context. It is apsychological attempt to understand underlying sports behavior. Sports psychology is defined as the study of mental processes as they relate to human sports performance. It consists of theories and laws of learning the importance of reinforcement and the linking of perceptual abilities with motor performance which contribute to the body of knowledge. The sports psychologists utilize the information when studying topics such as aggression, intelligence, Personality and personality development.

The Personality is a dynamic organization within the individual of those psycho-physical systems that determine his unique Personality to the environment (Allport, 1948).The personality trait concepts are also very much a part of Eysenck’s (1967) theory of personality. In Eysenck’s (1993) view, personality consists of hierarchy structure of personality factors. At the top of this hierarchy are broad, general dimensions called types. Personality composed of traits, which in turn are made up of habitual responses, which are composed of specific response, the behavior actually observed, Eysenck et. al (1962) hypothesized three broad personality dimensions: neuroticism stability, extraversion –introversion and psychoticism, which are evaluated and measured through a personality inventory. The Eysenck personality inventory (EPI) is designed to measure the two pervasive and relatively independent dimensions of neuroticism stability and extraversion – introversion as identified by Eysenck (1964). Neuroticism refers to general emotional

instability and the individual‘s predisposition to neurotic breakdown under stress, while extraversion refers to the uninhibitive, outgoing, impulsive, and sociable inclinations of a person. Cattell (1962) defined trait as structure of the personality inferred from behavior in different situations. He distinguishes four types of traits as common traits which are widely distributed in general population like honesty, aggression, cooperation;

The purpose of the study was to find the “Personality as a Psychological Differential among FemaleTeam Sports person in some selected games”. It was hypothesized that there might not have been significant difference in personality as a psychological variable among femaleteam sports person.



For the purpose of the study, 22female team sports person (11 Handball 11 Hockey) were randomly selected as the subjects for the study.


The variable selected for the purpose of this study was: Personality. The Personality was assessed by the total scores in S.S Jalota and S.D Kapoor Eysenck’s “Personality Inventory” adapted and standardized in India.


With the help of the questionnaire related topersonality asa psychologicalvariable necessary data were collected. Data were collected with regard to personality variable from 22female team sports person in a group setting. Before administering of research questionnaire, the Team Incharge, Coaches/Managers of different teams were contacted and their cooperation in the task of data collection was solicited.


The data pertaining to personality variable had been analyzed by using the‘t’ test in order to assess and compare the psychological variable among interuniversity femaleHandballteam sports person and interuniversity femaleHockey team sports person.




The findings pertaining to descriptive statistics for thepersonalityvariable among interuniversity femaleHandball team sports person and interuniversity femaleHockey team sports person have been presented in table no. 1

 Table 1: ‘t’ value for Inter-university FemaleHandball Team Sports person and Inter-university Female Hockey TeamSports person with respect to their Mean Score on ‘Personality’

Enclosed as Annexure 01

Table 1 reveals that the ‘t’ value for Inter university femaleHandball team sports person and inter universityfemaleHockey team sports person with respect to their mean score on ‘Personality’ came out to be 4.29 (‘t’ = 2.20for df 20) which is significant at 0.05 level of confidence. This indicates that the inter university femaleHandball team sports person differ significantly with respect to ‘Personality’. Since the mean score for inter university femaleHandball team sports person (53.91) is higher in comparison to inter university femaleHockey team sports person (26.27), it may be interpreted inter university femaleHandball team sports person are more neurotic which is nothing but reflection of extreme level of cortical nervous functioning under situation which leads to arousal. They are uninhibitive, impulsive, dominant, assertive, craving for excitement and activities, often tends to take chances and risks, express their feeling openly in comparison to the inter university femaleHockey team sports person. Hence the formulated null hypothesis that “There will be no significant difference between inter university femaleHockey team sports person and inter university femaleHandball team sports person on personality” stands rejected.

Total Personality is graphically depicted in the figures 1 in which comparison of mean value of inter university female teamHandball sports person and inter university femaleHockeyteam sports person are shown by drawing the histogram type of graph. The difference in the height of histogram indicates the mean difference.

Fig 01: Mean Score

Enclosed as Annexure 02


The result presented in the table 1 indicated that inter university femaleHockey team sports person are the lowest scorer in the ‘personality’ whereasinter university femaleHandball team sports person were found highest scorer. The results expressed that inter university femaleHockey team sports person do not hold better personality to compete in team sports as compared to inter university femaleHandball team sports person. The results attributed that inter university femaleHockey team sports person are more serious because they want to win the competition. They know that loosing in sports will cause great loss to their personality. So they want to win at any cost. ContrarilyInter university femaleHandball team sports person showing better personality because they never bothered about their performance and achievement. They knew that winning or losing will not cause any effect to their personality. These players afford to be winner or loser.

Discussion of Hypothesis

The hypothesis earlier set that there might have not been significant difference in Personality as apsychological variable among femaleteam sports person is rejected.


On the basis of the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn: The inter university femaleHandball team sports person are better on the variable of personality in comparison to inter universityfemaleHockey team sports person.


Annexure 01 

Table 1: ‘t’ value for Inter-university FemaleHandball Team Sports person and Inter-university Female Hockey TeamSports person with respect to their Mean Score on ‘Personality’


Annexure 02

Fig 01: Mean Score



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