
Research Article

Sport Psychology

International Journal of Research Padagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2023 Volume 12 Number 02 APR-JUN


S.1*, Singh A.2, Vishaw Gaurav3 V.3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i02.269

1* Sandeep , , N.J.S.A., Govt. College, Kapurthala, Punjab, India.

2 Amandeep Singh, , Department of Physical Education (T), Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India.

3 Vishaw Gaurav3 Vishaw Gaurav3, , Department of Physical Education, PG Govt. College, Sec.46, Chandigarh, India.

The purpose of the study was to compare the personality traitsamonguniversity level male athletes of selected team games. The present study was conducted on a sample of one hundred twenty (N=120) male athletes, which segregatedinto three sub-group consist of fortyathletes eachi.e. softball (n1=40); netball (n2=40) and baseball (n3=40)of age ranging from 20to 23 years who participated in inter-university competitions organized byAssociation of Indian Universities. All the athletes were informed about the aim and methodology of the study and they agreed to participate in this study. The data was collected by using Big Five Personality Questionnaire developed by Oliver, P. John & Sanjay Srivastava (1999).The data was treated statisticallywith the help of One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe’s Post Hoc Test for significant F value. The level of significance was set at 0.05.Significant differences were found among team game athletes with regard toExtraversion (p≤0.05),Agreeableness (p≤0.05), Conscientiousness (p≤0.05) and Openness (p≤0.05).

Keywords: Agreeableness, Athletes, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Openness, Personality

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Sandeep , , N.J.S.A., Govt. College, Kapurthala, Punjab, India.
Sandeep , Amandeep Singh, Vishaw Gaurav3 Vishaw Gaurav3, PERSONALITY TRAITS AMONG TEAM GAME ATHLETES OF INDIAN UNIVERSITIES. IJEMS. 2023;12(02):174-179.
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© 2023by Sandeep , Amandeep Singh, Vishaw Gaurav3 Vishaw Gaurav3and Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Sport and game are completely multidimensional activities, moreover; these arealso variety of war of athlete’s physical strengths and mind. In the preceding eras, society has witnessed a revolution in the area of sporting events. In demand to manage peak performance, the athlete needs a total package of scientific schedule which including fitness, injury prevention, physical skills and psychological skills (Gould and Eklund, 1993).Marina & Sabah (2011) recognized that participation in sports has a progressive conclusion on the personality characteristics of culture. In another investigation Mahin and Mohammad (2010) directed that team sport athlete scored statistically significantly greater on sociotropy and agreeableness than individual sport players.Personality characters are comparatively constant engagements of behaviors, thoughts and feelings that imitate the bent to react in a certain way beneath confident situations (Roberts, 2009).Singh and Sandeep (2016) revealed in their study that combatsports athletes weremore extroverts, agreeable and conscientiousthan non-combat sports athletes.Personality either associated or is predicts many belongings containing, job performance (Thoresen et al., 2004), performance motivation (Judge et al., 2002) and leadership (Hogan and Kaiser, 2005). A personality traits or character seems to have consequences for individuals across a variation of life spheres as they offer proof about how dissimilar people and clusters of individuals normally self-regulate or how an individual’s control their behaviors, thoughts and feelings (Hoyle, 2006).Poonehand Mohammad(2014) exposed in their study that athletes have talented a greater score than non-athlete in agreeableness, extraversion and conscientiousness but in respect to neuroticism non-athlete learners have upper score than athletes. Fatemehet al., (2012) revealed significant difference were observed between team and individual athletes in respect with neuroticism, extraversion and responsibility, they also established that the group players have much greater levels of extraversion and responsibility while as individual athlete’s the neuroticism recorded greater. Ilyasi and Salehian(2011) discovered that individual athletes achieved higher scores in conscientiousness, extraversion and openness than their counter part

(team players). In another study, Devis and Mogk (1994) concluded that no significant discrepancy among athlete, entertainment group, non-athletes, elite and non-elite athletes in respect with psychoticism, tendency to success, extraversion, neuroticism and paratelic. The conclusions furthermore show less neuroticism and paratelicin the professional athlete. The investigators have considered personality in numerous areas extending from the workstation to sports arena.The gigantic area of personality and its impact on athlete’s performance motivated us to work more on the same to fetch out differences among in the equal type (UniversitiesLevel) of athletes. Therefore, the study was conducted toexplore the chance ofthere could be a significant inter-group difference on account of personality among team game athletes.



The present study was conducted on a sample of one hundred twenty (N=120) male athletes, which segregated into three group of forty athletes each i.e. softball (n1=40); netball (n2=40) and baseball (n3=40) of age ranging from 20 to 23 years who participated in inter-university competitions organized by Association of Indian Universities. All the athletes were informed about the aim and methodology of the study and they agreed to participate in this study.


For the collection of data Big Five Personality Questionnaire developed by Oliver, P. John & Sanjay Srivastava (1999) was used by the investigator. This questionnaire consists total forty four (44)personality descriptors to which the subject responses with degree of agreement or disagreement on a 5-point Likert scalefor each sub-variable i.e. extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticismand openness. Essential instructions were given before filling up the questionnaire and each question was explained to the subjects at the time of test.

 Statistical analyses:

The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 was used for all the statisticalanalyses. The data was treated statistically with the help of One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe’s Post Hoc Test for significant F value. The level of significance was set at 0.05.


Table-1.Descriptive Statistics (Mean and Standard Deviation) of Team Game Athletes in respect to Personality’s sub-variables.

Enclosed as Annexure 01

Table-1 exhibited the Mean and SD values of personality traits i.e. extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness of team game athletes i.e. softball, netball and baseball. While comparing the means, the data shows there were inter group differences among team game athletes.

Table-2.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among Team Game Athletes in respect to Personality’s sub-variables.

Enclosed as Annexure 02

Table-2 exhibited results of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among team game athletes (softball, netball and baseball) in respect to personality. Personality’s sub-variables extraversion (p≤0.05), agreeableness (p≤0.05), conscientiousness (p≤0.05) and openness (p≤0.05) found statistically significant. Since these four sub-variables were found statistically significant; therefore, Scheffe’s Post-hoc test was applied to see the direction and significance of difference between paired means of team game athletes.

Table-3 Comparison of Mean Values of Post-hoc Test (Scheffe’s) of Team Game Athletes in respect to Personality’s sub-variables.

Enclosed as Annexure 03

Table-3 exhibited that softball and baseball athletes have statistical significant ((p≤0.05)differences with netball athletes on account of extraversion. It also depict that baseball athletes have statistical significant ((p≤0.05) differences with softball and netball athletes in respect toagreeableness. Softball and baseball athletes have statistical significant ((p≤0.05) differences with netball athletes on account of conscientiousness. And in respect to opennessnetball athletes have statistical significant ((p≤0.05) differences with softballathletes.

Discussion of Findings

In the present study investigator choose to works upon variable namely personality of

university level team game athletes i.e. softball, netball and baseball. While comparing the means with one anotherresult shows softball and baseball athletes have statistically significant betterthan netball athletes in respect to sub-variable extraversion.On account of agreeableness baseball athletes shows their statistically significant supremacy upon softball and netball athletes.In respect to conscientiousness softball and baseball athletes again proved statistically significant betterscore than netball athletes. While comparing the means, netball athletes had shown better score than their counterparts i.e. softball and baseball athletes.These results are in line with the outcomes of MokhtariandHaghi(2014), as they explained athlete students have statistically higher score than non-athlete students in respect to extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Sohrabiet al. (2011) revealed in their study that contact athletes had differentiated psychological traits as compare to non-contact athletes is also in line with results of present study. The results of study done by Naikoo et al. (2016) partially in contrasts as they concluded that there was no significant difference between sports persons and non-sports persons on account of personality aspects. The results of Ragunath (2011) was also totally in line with the current study’s findings as he found that male player were more agreeableness, extraversion and conscientiousness than male non players.Aslanifar et al. (2014) study was in contrast with the present results, as they revealed that there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in relation to agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion between vegetarians and non-vegetarians group.Zare et al. (2015) findings are also partially in line as well as partially in contrast as they foundno significance difference (p≥0.05) between non-athletes and athletes in respect to extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. However, they establish significance differences (p≤0.05) between non-athletes and athletes in respect to conscientiousness and openness to experience.Ilyasi and Salehian (2011), results are also in line with present results as they found individual sportsmen have statistically higher degree of extraversion, conscientiousness and openness than team sportsmen.


It is concluded from the

above findings that significant differences were witnessed amongteam game male athletes on account of personality i.e. extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness. However, statistically insignificant differences were observed in respect toneuroticism among team game athletes.The significant inter group differences may be discoveredas a results of differences in the nature and training module of the selected team game.The competitions rules, athletes mental training,psychological pressureand many more aspects are also responsibleforsignificant inter group differences among these team game athletes. However, no significant inter group differences have been found among team game athletes in respect to neuroticism. This may be occurs due to the same level i.e. university level of subjects are selected for the study.It is also concluded that baseball athletes have higher mean value in respect to extraversion and agreeableness, which shows baseball players are more extrovert and agreeable than their counterparts. On account of conscientiousness softball athletes and in respect to openness netball athletes have scored better than their colleagues.This depicts that softball athletes have higher level of conscientiousness and netball athletes have greater level of openness than their counterparts.


Annexure 01

Table-1.Descriptive Statistics (Mean and Standard Deviation) of Team Game Athletes in respect to Personality’s sub-variables.

p29 image 01.png

Annexure 02

Table-2.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among Team Game Athletes in respect to Personality’s sub-variables.

p29 image 02.png

 Annexure 03

Table-3 Comparison of Mean Values of Post-hoc Test (Scheffe’s) of Team Game Athletes in respect to Personality’s sub-variables.

p29 image 03.png



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