
Review Article


International Journal of Research Pedagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2024 Volume 13 Number 01 JAN-MAR


R1*†, Kumar A2†

1*† Rohit, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana, India.

2† Ajay Kumar, Assistant Professor, Chhotu Ram College of Education, Rhotak, Haryana, India.

Sports education is a new sports science that has started to emerge in recent years in India. Despite the rapid growth of sports, we know that the field of sports psychology is still in its infancy. A study on sports education concluded that using psychological tools and techniques leads to an increase in one's work efficiency, according to the literature review. In addition, it is necessary to understand the development of sports psychology in the Indian context while recognizing the importance of psychological intervention in sports. The purpose of this review is to examine the state of sports science, the importance and urgency of applying psychology in sports. Finally, future directions for the development of sport psychology in India will be explored.

Keywords: Sports psychology, sports, athletics, India

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Rohit, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana, India.
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© 2024by R, Kumar Aand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Early Development of Sports Psychology in India

Sports psychology is a subcategory of psychology in which the principles and techniques of psychology are applied in a sports setting. The primary interest of sports psychologists is to provide and maintain an athlete’s mental health and well-being in the midst of the stresses of a competition and to improve their athletic performance. Sports psychology as a field of study in India, is extremely young and still evolving. One could say it is still in its nascent phase. In order to understand the development of sports psychology in India, it is necessary to understand its provenance in India. Until the 1960’s, we see a scarce application of science to the area of sports in India. What sparked the interest of researchers in sports psychology in India was the early publications of sports psychology studies in journals of medicine, physical education and psychology that found its way to India from abroad in the 1960s and 1970s. This stimulated a few research studies being conducted in the 1960’s which vitalized a large development of research studies in the 1970’s. With the formation of the Indian Association of Sports Medicine (IASM), we see the first major development of the Indian sports science movement in 1970. Another important milestone for sports psychology in India was seen in 1977, during the seventh annual conference of the IASM, when some delegates from the IASM interested in the psychological

aspects of sports came together to establish a group of their own. With this, we see the conception of the Indian Association of Sports Psychology. Over the years, we see the establishment of many more  institutes  and  associations  like  the  Sport  Psychology Association of India (SAPI) that are facilitating the development of sports psychology in the country.

Current Status of Sports Psychology in India

The establishment of the Faculty of Sports Science under the Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports in 1983, paved the way for training sportspersons on a scientific line, aiming to impart scientific knowledge. It accelerated the development of sports science in India and sports psychology particularly. Due to such efforts, we

see the term sports psychology come to life in its true essence in India, with sports psychologists at the National Institute training athletes prior to international competitions and accompanying them when they partake in competitions like the Asian Games or Olympics. Succeeding the 1982 Asian Games held in New Delhi, the Government of India established a separate ministry for sports. This reflects the positive and zealous attitude of the government towards the development of sports. We also see a substantial increase in the budget allocations and provision of facilities for research in sports science and sports psychology thereafter. The current research in sports psychology can be further divided into four different categories: (i) personality and athletes, (ii) anxiety and arousal, (iii) intelligence and creativity and

(iv) other aspects and variables. Currently in India, personality is the most studied topic in sports psychology followed by arousal. Sports psychology has now become an important facet of sports science in India. This field of study has turned a new leaf today as it has become a subject of practical application without any constraints. Even though the field of sports psychology is developing in India and promises to be a critical component of sports science in the future, as of today, there is a great need for a more integrative approach of psychology and sports science, we are nowhere near meeting our goals. There are still so many obstacles and impediments barring the growth of sports psychology research that have resulted in many associations being rendered defunct. These obstacles are primarily a result from a lack of awareness and understanding, myths and most importantly, a lack of formalized academic courses that offer sports psychology as a subject leading to a deficiency of adequate number of trained professionals in this area of study.

Issues in sports psychology in India

It is a well-researched and widely established fact that psychology is an integral component and plays a vital role in enhancing the performance of an athlete in order to help them achieve their peak. Despite this, why is it that sports psychology in India is still in its nascent phases and faces a large number of drawbacks? One of the foremost reasons could be the negative connotation associated with the term ‘psychology.’ For a vast segment of our population, the term ‘psychology’ hints at

Till date many individuals including athletes  and  athletic coaches  think  of   going  to  a psychologist as having a ‘problem.’ and that can prove to be a difficult perception to overcome.

There is a lack of awareness about the understanding of what sports psychology is and what exactly do sports psychologists do. Despite the recognition that psychological aspects are important in an athletes’ performance, many individuals including athletes fail to recognize and accept its importance. We see a lack of understanding and awareness towards this field of study. Another issue linked to the previous one is the importance of an athlete’s “image”. Image management is a key issue in India wherein the players want to maintain a problem-free and healthy image of them. This linked with the negative connotation of psychology proves to be a major setback for athletes to   seek  the  guidance  of  sports  psychologists. The lack of trained resource personnel and inadequate funding prove to be a major setback for the field of sports psychology in India. This has caused many sports psychology associations to collapse. The most part of people working in the sports psychology sector in India do not have the essential and needed training simply because it does not exist. The coverage of this field of study seems to be only superficial with the lack of established academic course offerings. We also find misunderstandings and myths surrounding this field. Even though sports psychology is now more accepted than before, it still carries stigma in the eyes of many athletes, coaches and other individuals. Some of these myths include: sports psychology is only for athletes who are mentally weak or ill, sports psychology is a quick fix, sports psychology is only for elite or highly skilled athletes and sports psychology is simply about positive thinking and hypnotizing the athlete.

Importance of Sport Psychology and How It May Benefit Athletes

Psychological training plays an integral part in an athletes holistic training process when carried out in conjunction with other elements of training. While preparing for a competition, simple psychological skills too can help athletes manage their competitive performance environment. Some of these skills include:

  • Relaxation skills, g., progressive relaxation, slow controlled and deep abdominal breathing and autogenic training.
  • A mastery of all the different attentional styles or types of
  • Both kinaesthetic and visual
  • Self-talk
  • Development of pre-computation mental routines that they should follow prior to their competition on game

In addition to this, this field also deals with injured athletes who experience at least three different emotional responses commonly: frustration, isolation and disturbances in mood. The techniques employed in sports psychology helps the injured athlete cope more effectively with these emotional responses and help prepare the athlete to get back to their sport and games.

Sports psychology is considered an important element in sports for various reasons. The following points emphasize the importance of this field:

  • Psychology plays a very unique yet critical role in the enhancement of an athlete’s physiological capabilities like strength, flexibility and speed. This enhancement in athletes is largely driven by It is widely accepted that psychological capabilities or power can increase an individual’s physiological capacities.
  • Psychology is said to play a crucial role in the learning of motor skills. This depends on the athlete’s level of readiness, that is, their psychological and physiological Psychological readiness is closely related to the learner, here the athlete’s state of mind. It is the desire and willingness to learn a particular skill. Sports psychology is also helpful in the social-active, autonomous and cognitive stage of motor skill learning. On the other hand, physiological readiness is the development of strength, endurance and flexibility in the athlete as well as the strengthening of various muscle and organ systems for better performance of motor skills required for their sport.
  • An athlete’s behavior while they are engaged in competitive sports can be better understood with the help of sports

  • attitudes, drives, instincts and personality. Sports psychology not only plays a role in understanding these behaviors in an athlete, but also helps in the medication of behavior in different sports situations.
  • Another important role that sport psychology plays is, controlling the emotions of athletes not only during competitions but during training as well. Some of the negatives faced by athletes include disgust, negative self-thinking, anger and feeling of ownership among many These negatives can bring about spontaneous changes in their behaviors which if not controlled in time, can hamper and hinder their performance. Sports psychology plays a decisive role at such junctures. It helps maintain a balance in the arousal of emotions, which can further improve performance.
  • Sports psychology helps prepare athletes psychologically for Sports psychologists also give psychological tips to athletes before and after their competitions. They help them deal with their anxiety levels and create a will to ‘win’ in athletes.
  • Other than common problems like stress, anxiety and tension that athletes face, there are some other emotional problems that they are subjected to like frustration, depression, panic attacks and The knowledge of sports psychology can prove to be helpful in such situations. Various techniques can be taught to athletes faced with these problems like techniques of concentration and relaxation.

What sport psychologists do

With the rapid development of the specialised field of sports psychology in recent years, the importance of a sports psychologist as an integral member of a health-care team and coaching has been widely recognised. Sports psychologists teach skills and techniques to athletes that enhance their motor skills and learning processes, help them cope better with competitive pressure and anxiety, fine-tune the level of awareness that they need for optimal performance and to not lose focus  amidst  distractions  and  in  a  competitive  environment. The field of sports psychology is further subdivided into three broad categories: experimental sport psychology, clinical sport psychology and educational sport psychology. Each of these categories reflect different

objectives and activities, and each of these categories are further subdivided into different branches. Experimental sport psychologists attempt to either determine the relationship between two or more variables, e.g. anxiety and performance, or they conduct experiments to find out the changes that take place in an athlete either in a laboratory setting or on filed. These changes are a result of some kind of an intervention. In such experiments or studies, a precondition is evaluated, for example pre-start anxiety. After the intervening condition has been imposed (which could involve multiple tools or techniques like a program for anxiety reduction or relaxation techniques),  the  experimenter  tries  to  find  out  if  the intervention brought about the hypothesized change. Clinical sport psychologists help to reduce or prevent  emotional  problems  in  individual  athletes  and  teams while trying to enhance an emotionally healthy athlete’s performance potential. Another area of their study is, athletes who experience moderate to severe levels of stress in their daily lives as well as in sports and help them cope with it better and more efficiently. Whereas, educational sport psychologists focus on the aspect of education. Moreover, on educating prospective athletes, coaches and others connected with sports that include administrators. Future trends of sports psychology in India Currently, India, the second most populous nation in the world, doesn’t have the fundamental and required infrastructure to serve its athletes to enhance their psychological skills. However, we do see several professional as well as amateur sport teams take interest in utilizing the services of sports psychologists and scientists to help athletes achieve optimal performance. There still is a need to conduct more research in order to understand the psychology of sports better in the Indian context to determine whether these research findings hold true with the ones obtained in other countries. Lastly, if sports psychology is to reach greater heights in India, top priority must be given to establish programs and courses in educational institutes which would lead to the birth of first-generation Indian professionals specifically trained in the field of sports    psychology.


Conclusively, one can say that sports psychology plays a key role in enhancing

performances in athletes while dealing with the different mental qualities like confidence, commitment, emotional control and concentration which are linked to success in sports. It helps the athlete to stay focused and continue to sustain their best performance.


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