
Research Article

Sport Science

International Journal of Research Padagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2023 Volume 12 Number 02 APR-JUN


Kaur P.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i02.291

1 Prabhjot Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Baba Ajay Singh Khalsa College, Gurdas Nangal Gurdaspur, Punjab, India.

The presentpaper emphasized to study the burnout among physical education teachers. 135 physical education teachers were selected from the three districts Amritsar, Jalandhar and Patiala of Punjab State. The sample was further divided into three groups on the basis of primary, secondary and senior secondary levels. Each group had equal size of 45 Samples.The burnout among Physical Education teachers was measured by questionnaire of Maslach Burnout Inventory by Maslach and Jackson (1986). To know the statistical burnout among physical education teachers ANOVA and Post Hoc Test were employed. The results of the present study were found, significant difference on the scores of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and overall burnout but no significant difference was found on the scores of personal accomplishment among of primary secondary and senior secondary physical education teachers.

Keywords: Burnout, Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Accomplishment, Physical Education Teachers

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© 2023by Prabhjot Kaurand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In any society, the higher, the educational and cultural level in terms of quality, the more will be the development and growth of that society. Education - from elementary levels to higher education – shapes the individual, the family and from a broader perspective, the society. When teachers and officials themselves are creative and are not physically and emotionally exhausted and providing that they are committed to the school and their critical responsibility (Sabaqian, Rad. 2005).

Burnout:The importance of burnout syndrome in the educational setting is even more emphasized, because apart from affecting the mental, psychosomatic and social health of educators it also decrease the quality of teaching and work performance, which in turn may negatively influences students academicals achievement.Maslach, Schaufeli and Leiter, (2001) suggested for the comprehension of the burnout phenomenon, and they conceptualized burnout as “… a tri-dimensional syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, cynicism (depersonalization), and reduced efficacy (reduced personal accomplishment)”. In present study teachers burnout defined as Physical, emotional, and attitudinal exhaustion that begins with a feeling of uneasiness and mounts as the joy of teaching begins to gradually slip away.

Zhao and Bi (2003) studied job burnout and the factors related to it among 190 secondary school teachers on the Chinese mainland and revealed no significant difference among the three dimensions of burnout in relation to the variable of gender. Dupatepe and Akkus-Cikla (2004), revealed low levels of teachers’ emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment found significant differenceamong 100 primary school teachers.Yeltekin and Demirel et al., (2005) examined burnout among high school teachers in turkey with the purpose to studythe (a) burnout in a sample of Turkish high school teachers and, (b) to test the hypothesis that Turkish teachers suffer from burnout more than the teachers in the developed countries. Six hundred and ten questionnaires were distributed to the teachers, and 520 questionnaires were returned. The 48 questionnaires were excluded in the final analysis,

because of including inconclusive and/or incomplete data.  There was no statistically significant difference between the scores of sub samples according (emotional exhaustion and depersonalization) to the gender (p>0, 05). There was an insignificant negative correlation (p=0.08) between the depersonalization and personal accomplishment in the group of female teachers. Drinking, smoking and marital status had no effect on burnout in this study sample (p>0.05). Less experienced Turkish teachers reported higher scores on depersonalization (p=0.001). Turkish teachers suffer from burnout less that of the teachers in many developed countries.

Lopes et.al (2009) compared the burnout syndrome between teachers of state and private school systems and revealed that statistically both groups have different perceptions of burnout. However, such perceptions are associated with the variables in a distinct way in these groups.Mukundan and Khanderoo (2009) found that emotional exhaustion of female teachers and depersonalization among male teachers was significantly high, while both had significantly a high level of reduced personal accomplishment among 120 English language teachers in Malaysia. English teachers with less than 26 years of teaching experience revealed a significantly high level of emotional exhaustion. Teachers with more than five years of teaching experience had significantly high depersonalization, while teachers with less than five and more than 25 years of teaching experience showed significantly high reduced personal accomplishment.Gavrilovici (2009) studied the burnout level of 178 teachers in primary, secondary, high schools, and special schools in Iasi County of Romania during the period 2007-2009. The results showed that emotional exhaustion of teachers with work experience of more than 17 years was significantly higher than teachers with less work experience. In contrast, no significant differences were found between the teachers‟ work experience and their levels of depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Likewise, gender and marital status did not show any effect on any dimension of the burnout. In the case of gender, mixed results have been reported. For instance,Luk, et al., (2010) studied the relation between demographic variables and burnout among 138 teachers of primary and secondary schools in Macau. The results revealed that Macau school teachers had moderate levels of

emotional exhaustion and low levels of depersonalization. They also found that age, marital status, and teaching experience significantly affected the burnout levels of teachers in their categories. Younger and single teachers had significantly higher emotional exhaustion and depersonalization than older and married teachers. Similarly, teachers with less years of experience had significantly higher emotional exhaustion than teachers with more than 20 years of experience.JayakaranMukundan,(2011) This study is an attempt to survey the burnout level of female teachers in Malaysia and determine the likely factors that are associated with this phenomenon. The subjects of the study were 437 female teachers from primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. A demographic questionnaire was used to collect the data regarding the individual characteristics (e.g., marital status, number of children, age, and teaching experience) and organizational factors (e.g., teaching level and workload). The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educator Survey (MBI-ES) (Maslach, Jackson, & Schwab, 1986) was also employed to collect the data concerning the burnout levels of the teachers in the three dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Descriptive and univariate statistics were used in the data analysis. It was found that the number of children, level of teaching, age, and years of teaching experience were significant indicators of burnout among the female teachers, while marital status and workload were not significantly related to their burnout syndrome. The implications and recommendations are also presented.

Significance of the study

Teachers undoubtedly are the architects of our profession. They play multiple roles for the promotion of education at every level, from hunting of the talent to-excellence in achievement. Knowing the problems which cause poor standard of teaching will surely help in removing them and improving the educational standard to a great extent. The present study will bring light to the burnout status of physical education teachers of different levels. The findings of the present study will make a positive contribution in this direction. Further, the present study will be of immense importance to physical educationists, Sports scientists, sports administrators and society at large.


  1. To compare the emotional exhaustion among physical education teachers.
  2. To compare the depersonalization among physical education teachers.
  3. To compare the accomplishment among physical education teachers.
  4. To compare the burnout status among physical education teachers.


  1. There would exist significant difference in emotional exhaustion amongphysical education teachers.
  2. There would exist significant difference in depersonalizationamong physical education teachers.
  3. There would exist significant difference in accomplishmentamong physical education teachers.
  4. There would exist significant difference in burn out among physical education teachers.


Sampling Design

The subject of this study was the teachers selected from government and private schools, who are engaged in teaching in primary and secondary and senior secondary level. The total sample of the present study comprise of 135 physical education teachers including Primary level (N=45), Secondary level (N=45), and senior secondary (N=45) of three district (Amritsar, Patiala and Jalandhar) of Punjab, shown in the TABLE 1.

TABLE 1: Distribution of Sample at different levels of Physical Education Teachers

Enclosed as Annexure 01

Tool Used

Maslach Burnout Inventory by Maslach and Jackson (1986) was used to burnout among physical education teachers.

Statistical technique

To compare Burnout among the physical education teachers of different level of teaching ANOVA and post-hoc test were used.

Result and Discussion

TABLE 2:Show the Comparison of Emotional Exhaustion among Physical Education Teachers

Hypothesis 1: There would exist significant difference in emotional exhaustion among physical education teachers.

Enclosed as Annexure 02

The result depicted that the mean value of Emotional Exhaustion among the Physical Education teachers of primary, secondary and senior secondary level. It was observed that primary level teacher possess high level of Emotional Exhaustion (28.34) and, secondary and senior secondary level teacher (21.67) and (18.05), respectively. The statistical differences, when observed  among the physical education teachers of primary level, secondary level and senior secondary level, revealed that the f ratio (f=23.74) is significant. Hence, the hypothesis no-1 that, there would be significant difference in emotional exhaustion among physical education teachers was accepted.  Post-hoc test value indicates that Primary level teachers were found to be significantly more emotionally exhausted than secondary level and senior secondary level teachers as the t value comes out to be 4.40 and 6.70, respectively. Similarly, secondary level teachers were found to be significantly more emotionally exhausted than senior secondary level teachers as the t-value comes out to be 2.40 shown in the TABLE 2.

Table 3: Show the Comparison of Depersonalization among Physical Education teachers

Enclosed as Annexure 03

Hypothesis 2: There would exist significant difference in depersonalizationamong physical education teachers.

The result revealed that the mean value of Depersonalization among the Physical Education teachers of primary, secondary and senior secondary levels. It was observed that primary level teacher possess higher value of Depersonalization (16.87) followed by Secondary level teacher (13.89) and senior secondary level teacher (9.6). The statistical differences, when observed  among the Physical Education teachers of primary, secondary and senior secondary level, revealed that the f ratio (f=28.70) is significant which means that physical education teacher differ significantly. Hence, the hypothesis no-2 that, there would be significant

difference in Depersonalization among Physical Education teachers is accepted. Post-hoc test value indicates that Primary level teachers were found to be significantly more depersonalization than secondary and senior secondary levels teachers as the t value comes out to be 7.53 and 4.45, respectively. Similarly, secondary level teachers were found to be significantly more Depersonalization than senior secondary level teachers as the t value comes out to be 3.09shown in the TABLE 3.

Table 4: Show the comparison of Personal Accomplishment among Physical Education teachers

Enclosed as Annexure 04

Hypothesis 3:There would exist significant difference in accomplishment among physical education teachers.

The result showed that the mean value of Personal Accomplishment among the Physical Education teachers of primary, secondary and senior secondary levels. It was observed that primary level teacher possess higher value of Personal Accomplishment (27.69) followed by Secondary level teacher (23.56) and senior secondary level teacher (25.29). The statistical differences, when observed  among the physical education teachers of primary level, secondary level and senior secondary level, revealed that the f ratio (f=2.99) is significant which means that physical education teacher differ significantly, shown in the TABLE 4. Hence, the hypothesis No-3 that, there would be significant difference in Personal Accomplishment among Physical Education teachers was accepted.

Table 5: Show the comparison of Burnout among Physical Education Teachers

Enclosed as Annexure 05

Hypothesis 4:There would exist significant difference in burn out among physical education teachers.

The result depicted that the mean value of burnout among the Physical Education teachers of primary, secondary and senior secondary level. It was observed that primary level teacher possess higher value of burnout (72.89) followed by Secondary level teacher (59.11) and senior secondary level teacher (52.11). The statistical differences, when observed burnout among the physical

education teachers of primary level, secondary level and senior secondary level, revealed that the f ratio (f=27.13) is significant which means that Physical Education teacher differ significantly. Hence, the hypothesis n-4 that, there would be significant difference in burnout among Physical Education teachers was accepted. Post-hoc test value indicates that Primary teachers were found to be significantly more burnout than secondary and senior secondary levels teachers as the t value comes out to be 4.97 and 7.19, respectively. Similarly, secondary level teachers were found to be significantly more burnout than senior secondary level teachers as the t value comes out to be 2.23shown in the TABLE 5.

Findings of the Study

  1. Significant differences has been found in emotional exhaustion among the physical education teacher of primary, Secondary and senior secondary level.
  2. Significant differences in Depersonalization among the physical education teacher of primary, Secondary and senior secondary level teacher.
  3. No significant differences in personal accomplishment among the physical education teacher of primary, Secondary and senior secondary level teacher.
  4. Significant differences in burnout the physical education teacher of primary, Secondary and senior secondary level teacher.


  1. The similar study can be conducted on large number of sample of male and female subjects to study compare burnout level among different subject teachers.
  2. The study can be conducted on national level or international level.
  3. The similar study can be conducted on different age groups.


Annexure 01

TABLE 1: Distribution of Sample at different levels of Physical Education Teachers

p41 image 01.png

Annexure 02

TABLE 2:Show the Comparison of Emotional Exhaustion among Physical Education Teachers

p41 image 02.png

Annexure 03

Table 3: Show the Comparison of Depersonalization among Physical Education teachers

p41 image 03.png

Annexure 04

Table 4: Show the comparison of Personal Accomplishment among Physical Education teachers

p41 image 04.png

Annexure 05

Table 5: Show the comparison of Burnout among Physical Education Teachers

p41 image 05.png




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