
Research Article

Sports Science

International Journal of Research Padagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2023 Volume 12 Number 02 APR-JUN


Kumar S.1*, Kaur N.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i02.293

1* Suresh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, GNA University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.

2 Navdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, GNA University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.

The purpose of the study was to compare the burnout of primary and senior secondary Physical Education teachers in relation to their level of aspiration. A totalof 90 samples were selected from the three districts of Amritsar, Jalandhar, and Patiala of Punjab State. These sampleswere further divided into two groups of Physical Education teachers atthe Primary and SeniorSecondary levels. Each group had an equal size of 45 Samples. These subjects had a minimum of three years of teaching experience.Burnout among Physical Education teachers was measured by a questionnaire of Maslach Burnout Inventory by Maslach and Jackson (1986), whereas the level of aspiration was measured by the questionnaire of Dr. Mahesh Bhargava and Late prof. M. A. Shah (1996) for the collection of data. For the purpose of data collectionof burnout of primary and senior secondary Physical Education teachers in relation to their level of aspiration was applied. To know the statistical difference t-test and Product movement correlation have been employed. The results of the present study found, a significant difference in Burnout between primary and secondary physical education teachers in relation to their professional qualification and an insignificant difference inthe Level of aspiration among physical education teachers and relation to their professional qualification. In the relationship between burnout and level of aspiration among physical education teachers and in relation to their professional qualifications was a positive relationship found.

Keywords: Burnout, Primary, Secondary, Physical Education and Teachers

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Suresh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, GNA University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.
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© 2023by Suresh Kumar, Navdeep Kaurand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In any society, the higher, the educational and cultural level in terms of quality, the more will be the development and growth of that society. Education - from elementary levels to higher education – shapes the individual, the family, and from a broader perspective, the society. When teachers and officials themselves are creative and are not physically and emotionally exhausted and providing that they are committed to the school and their critical responsibility (Sabaqian, Rad, L., 2005).

The importance of burnout syndrome in the educational setting is even more emphasized because apart from affecting the mental, psychosomatic, and social health of educators it also decreases the quality of teaching and work performance, which in turn may negatively influencestudents’academic achievement.

The level of aspiration is an individual’s future expectation or ambition. It refers to the estimate of one’s future in a given task. In today’s world of competitiveness, there is not a single individual who is devoid of ambition in some or another form. 


Zhao and Bi (2003) study on a sample of 190 seniorsecondary school teachers on the Chinese mainland revealed no significant difference among the three dimensions of burnout in relation to the variable of gender.  Dupatepe and Akkus-Cikla (2004), among 100 primary school teachers in one of the Turkish cities, revealed low levels of teachers’ emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishmentand found a significant difference.


To compare the burnout between primary and secondary level Physical Education teachers in relation to their professional qualifications.

To determine the relationship between burnout status and the level of aspiration of Physical Education teachers in relation to their professional qualifications.


  • There exists a significant difference in burnout between primary and senior secondary levels Physical Education teachers.
  • There exists a positive relationship in the level of aspiration in relation to among primary and senior secondary level Physical Education teachers.

Methods and Procedure

Sampling Design

            The subject of this study was the teachers selected from government and private schools, who are engaged in teaching atthe primary and seniorsecondary levels. The total sample of the present study comprised 90 teachers including the Primary level (N=45), Secondary level (N=45) of three districts of Punjab further fifteen samples from each district-wiseAmritsar, Patiala, and Jalandhar.

Tool Used

  1. To measure Burnout among Physical Education teachers in relation to their professional qualification, Maslach Burnout Inventory by Maslach and Jackson (1986) was used.
  2. To measure the Level of Aspiration among physical education teachers in relation to their professional qualification, the Level of Aspiration measured by Dr. Mahesh Bhargava and the Late prof. M. A. Shah (1996) was used.


To collect the data for the present study investigator personally visited different governments, and private’s schools, from three districts of Punjab. The data for the study was collected from the 90 teachers including the primary level (N=45), the and secondary level (N=45). First of all, burnout and level of aspiration were administrated to Physical Education teachers. At the time of administration of the tools, first, the instruction was read over to the subjects and explained to them. The objective of the test was made clear to them. They were assured that their scores would not be used for any other purpose except this research.  

Statistical technique

To compare Burnout and Level of aspiration among the physical education teachers of different levels of teaching t-test was used to find out the relationship between product moment correlation was computed.

Result and Discussion

Table 1.1 depict the mean value of Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Personal accomplishment, and burnout among Physical Education teachers atthe primary and senior secondary level. It was observed that primary-levelteachers possess a high level of Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Personal accomplishment, and burnout among 28.34, 16.87, 27.69, 72.89, and, senior secondary-levelteachers21.67, 13.89, 23.56, 59.11 respectively. The statistical differences, when observed among the physical education teachers of primary and senior secondary level related to Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Personal accomplishment, and burnout, revealed that the tratio was found respectively, (t=4.40, 3.09, 1.98, 4.97).Statisticalresults were significant at 0.01levels in relation to Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and burnout but insignificant at 0.05 levels in relation to Personal accomplishment. The hypothesis that there is a significant difference between primary and senior secondary-level physical Education teachers in relation to burnout is accepted.

Table 1.1 Show the Comparison of Burn out among Physical Education teachers of Primary and Secondary levels.

Enclosed as Annexure 01

The table1.2 shows that the r value for burnout and level of aspiration of primary level, and senior secondary is to be 0.05 and 0.17,whereas the table value for the same is found to be 0.288 at 0.05 level of significance. The calculated value of r is less than the table value, correlation product movement is not significant. Hence there is no significant relation between burnout andthe level of aspiration of primary and seniorsecondary-level teachers. The hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between burnout and level of aspiration among physical education in relation to their professional qualification is rejected. So, it cannot be said that a person having burnout has a low or high level of aspiration.

Table 1.2 Show the correlation between Burnout and the Level of aspiration of Physical Education teachers atthe Primary and Senior Secondary levels.

Enclosed as Annexure 02


The results of the present study werefound significant at .01 levels in relation to Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and burnout but insignificant at 0.05 levels in relation to Personal accomplishment also supported by Dupatepe and Akkus-Cikla (2004). The hypothesis that there is a significant difference between primary and senior secondary level physical Education teachers in relation to burnout is accepted and No positive and significant relationshipwas found between burnout and level of aspirationbetween primary and seniorsecondarylevel physical education teachers.


Annexure 01

Table 1.1 Show the Comparison of Burn out among Physical Education teachers of Primary and Secondary levels.

p03 image 00.png

Annexure 02

Table 1.2 Show the correlation between Burnout and the Level of aspiration of Physical Education teachers atthe Primary and Senior Secondary levels.

p03 image 02.png


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