
Review Article

Sports Injury

International Journal of Research Pedagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2024 Volume 13 Number 01 JAN-MAR


Singh B1*†, Saini G2†, Saini N3†

1*† Beant Singh, Student, Department of Physical Education, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.

2† Gautam Saini, Student, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3† Nisha Saini, Student, Department of Physical Education, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.

Neurological issues are not easy to deal with them, the toughest thing ever. After getting an issue once the problem remains lifetimes, this is fact. This study aims about the management and techniques of cervical spondylosis. A brief introduction has been introduced and the attachments of vertebral column with spine and other systems, all which plays an important in case of this cervical issue have been clearly mention in this study

Keywords: Cervical, Spondylosis, Injury of Spine

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Beant Singh, Student, Department of Physical Education, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
Singh B, Saini G, Saini N. MANAGEMENT OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS. IJEMS. 2024;13(01):25-28.
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09-09-2023 11-09-2023 06-10-2023 02-11-2023 30-11-2023
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© 2024by Singh B, Saini G, Saini Nand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The appearance of human body changes every month. We thought we are young but this is our belief not the reality. The work load and stress bring tenderness and stiffness in the body. At the age of 15 to 28 working techniques with long sitting positions and bending down of head, working on systems and use of mobile phones is one of the major causes of this cervical problem.

While working on phones and while doing sports activities our cervical exerts pressure this is because we do not stretch it out and due to this pressure burning, numbness, weakness and atrophy in the disk takes place. Talking about common injuries of cervical, results overall modification in your physique, because that grace and confidence comes up into your personality if your neck and chin will raise up finely. Prolonged stress and repetitive force as in contact sports can eventually affects joints and weakening of soft tissue making that area more susceptible to acute injury.

The vast majority of injuries has been seen in males which is approx.80%, a basic knowledge of understanding has been required for the management of injuries. The spine has been divided into several vertebral column in which cervical is the section which contains 7 vertebral column, named C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7. Talking about supply and receiving of blood form two posterior spinal arteries and one single anterior artery, in which the anterior and posterior arteries are not interconnected (MEYER, 1989).

Changes in your spine is considered as normal part of aging. The spine likely begins this wearing-down process sometime in age of 30s. By age of 60, almost nine in 10 people have cervical spondylosis

WHY? Now the question arises why this cervical spondylosis takes place! Spondylosis is a basic form of arthritis general degeneration of the spine that can occur in joints, discs, and bones of the spine as we age, most likely to affects the people in range of 60 above, people normally thinks that it occurs only wrist and hip joints, no but this not true! The basic form of indication is pain, stiffness, action in limit and severity, which can takes place in any age. There are so many irregular movements of neck which causes cervical injury. Injury can be either in the form of sprain or strain. Cervical remains more traumatic then other section of

vertebral column (COOK, 1988). C1 and C2 are rarely associated with significant neurological dificits, C3 have a fatal injury because the respiratory muscle function is lost,C1-C3:Any spinal cord injury at this level have a severe impact on breathing. Without a pathway to the nerves controlling the respiratory muscles, a person has very little control over their breathing, especially those important functions like coughing. The most common C4-C5, C5-C6 because they have nerve roots they control arm action and rotation of forearm. Every day stress made mobility exceptional and susceptible. But if we raise our neck at an angle of 30o the posture become straight with which lordotic curve consumes more energy, never takes place. The posture has been change a lot, injuries bring weakening of tissue that originality goes diminished after having issues and problems with your body; along with it further deformity takes place in additional way like steep neck, kyphosis, loosening of strength and weakening of muscle fiber of that particular area.

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Growing age bring challenges in routine, when we got tired or either have uncertain conditions we are not that much capable of doing work. Cervical spondylosis can develop do to factor other then aging include injuries and putting extra

strain on neck from heavy lifting. When the condition of poor health is detected in early stages, patient recover but when time goes on situation become chronic and severe. Some of the major prevention that we have to keep in the mind to diagnose cervical are as follows


By performing aerobics exercises as swimming and walking. Using firm pillow during night to prevent strain on your neck. Certain passive exercises can provide your relief from cervical severity. By correcting your posture while setting or reading is betterly recommended as it can worsen your symptoms.


Several medications can cause side effects, can cause headache temporary numbness and can cause spinal paralysis. So it’s very important to take care of your spine. There is no recommendation for injections of painkiller. If the pain is severe and not settling down there may be an option of transformational nerve root injection, where nerves exit the spine. This can reduce and decrease the level of pain and inflammation of nerve roots.


Most probably when your muscle suddenly tightens a short muscle relaxant is require which provide your relief and your can back to your efficiency. Muscle relaxants make you dizzy and drowsy.


Drugs like anti-inflammatory drugs or non-steroids are said to be more effective painkillers for symptoms of cervical , some of usual painkillers are diclofenac, ibuprofen and many alternatives hence, NSAIDs may not be suitable, if you have breathing issues and problems with blood pressure, and so on. In these circumstances paracetamol is more to recommended by doctors and physicians.


A person can opt and perform several yogic exercises that helps them to cope up with this cervical issue. By applying acupressure under yogic therapy and acupuncture therapy one can prevent and heel from cervical spondylosis.


Your doctor can provide you or may recommend you to wear a therapeutic collar for a short time. This can limit your neck movement and help strained muscles rest and recuperate. Wearing a brace for too long time can lead to muscle atrophy (wasting away). Only use a collar under the guidance of a medical professional.


We know aging bring weakness and rest is the reason behind harassing our body to much due to which overuse of muscle causes wear and tear of muscles. It is very important to provide strength training along with proper rest and recovery, so that duration of working hours could be longer and we prevent fatigue and numbness too.


The extreme severe situation in which person is not able to exert a single minute under pain, it’s basically a worse condition in which person lose the hope to recover, hence the last option would be recommended surgery, the original remains the original. Many times surgery not success and this can adversely effects to their neurological system too. It would be recommended that once you are going for surgery, go to the professionals and experts.


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