Sports Psychology: Psychology Of Athletic Excellence
Kumar S1*†
1*† Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Lnt College of Education, Panipat, Haryana, India.
Sports psychology plays a very unique role in improving physiological abilities such as strength, speed and flexibility, etc., motivation plays an important role in improving the physical performance of athletes. It is a known and proven fact that psychological skills or abilities can improve the physiological abilities of people. Sports psychology plays an important role in learning motor skills. Learning motor skills depends on the individual's level of readiness, ie. physiological readiness and psychological readiness. The physiological readiness of a child is the development of the necessary strength, flexibility and endurance and the development of various organ systems, so that they can perform the motor skills necessary in an activity. Sports psychology is an interdisciplinary science. It includes the investigation of what mental variables mean for execution and what cooperation in game and exercise mean for mental and physical factors. Sport therapists instruct intellectual and conduct procedures to competitors to improve their experience and execution in sports. Notwithstanding guidance and preparing of mental abilities for execution improvement, applied game brain science may incorporate work with competitors, mentors, and guardians in regards to injury, recovery, correspondence, group building, and vocation changes.
Keywords: Sports psychology, abilities, skills, development, activity
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Lnt College of Education, Panipat, Haryana, India.Kumar S. Sports Psychology: Psychology Of Athletic Excellence. IJEMS. 2024;13(03):46-50. Available From |