
Research Article

Sports Talent

International Journal of Research Pedagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2024 Volume 13 Number 03 JUL-SEP

Analysing The Impact Of Khelo India Program On Training And Nurturing Of Talent In Northeast Region Of India

Parmar MS1*†, Sahu KK2†, Roy P3†

1*† Mahendra Singh Parmar, Phd Scholar, Department of Sports Management and Coaching, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2† Krishna Kant Sahu, Associate Professor, Department of Sports Management and Coaching, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.

3† Prokash Roy, Department of Sports Management and Coaching, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education Gwalior India, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the impact of Khelo India program on the training and nurturing of talent in north east region of India. Total 60 respondents from the north east region Khelo India academy were selected. The variable selected for the study was training and nurturing of talent. The self-made questionnaire was used as criterion measure. For analyzing the data descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were applied. There is a significant impact of Khelo India program on the variable training and nurturing of talent in northeast region of India. On the basis of results and findings it was concluded that the Khelo India program is responsible for the development of training and nurturing of talent in northeast region of India.

Keywords: Khelo India; Nurturing; Talent; Northeast Region, Sports Academy

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Mahendra Singh Parmar, Phd Scholar, Department of Sports Management and Coaching, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Parmar MS, Sahu KK, Roy P. Analysing The Impact Of Khelo India Program On Training And Nurturing Of Talent In Northeast Region Of India. IJEMS. 2024;13(03):55-62.
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© 2024by Parmar MS, Sahu KK, Roy Pand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Sport is a key component of our nation's overall growth. India has grown gradually in the world of sport over the last few years. On a global forum, this tremendous capacity must be displayed. It is time for us to inspire young talents, give them the highest-quality infrastructure and training. We must reinforce a strong spirit of sports participation that enables the players to express their true potential. Only then will India fulfil a vision of being a super-powerful sports nation. Khelo India School Games is a part of the revamped National Programme for the development of sports, Khelo India. It aims at strengthening the ecosystem by promoting the twin objectives of mass participation and promotion of excellence in sports. The Khelo India School Games will act as an avenue for the identification of budding sports talent in specific disciplines. The ‘Khelo India – National Programme for Development of Sports’ was launched in October, 2017 with the aim to strengthen the entire sports ecosystem to promote the key objectives of the scheme is to spot talented athletes from across the country and nurture talent through guidance and developed infrastructural facilities. During this context, Khelo India has four objectives: Mass participation of the young population in sports through annual sports competitions; Identification of sporting talent; Nurturing of the talent; Creation of Sports infrastructure at various levels (Block, District, and State/UT Levels).


Total 60 players of Khelo India program are selected from two academies (NCOE Cycling academy Guwahati, NCOE weightlifting academy Itanagar) of north east region of India. The selected variable was Training and nurturing of talent under Khelo India program. Self-made questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire consists of 48 items in which 12 items of the variable Training and Nurturing of talent are included in the questionnaire. The scoring was done on 5 point scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. It was hypothesized that there may be significant effect of Khelo India program on training and nurturing of talent in north east region of India. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and chi-square test. The data was analyzed at 0.05 levels of significance.


The result pertaining to the selected aspects have been presented in table 1. In which SD- Strongly disagree, D- disagree, NAND- Neither agree nor disagree, A- agree, SA-strongly agree.

Table-1: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors-The Government provides adequate aides or grants to sports academies/training centres for the training of players.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
1.  The Government provides adequate aides or grants to sports academies/training centres for the training of players.0.0%11.7%28.3%30.0%30.0%5.737.82

Not significant at 0.05 levels

The descriptive and Chi-square analysis showed in Table-1. 30% of respondents are strongly agree, 30% of respondents are agree 28.3% neither agree nor disagree, 11.7% disagree and 0% strongly disagree with the government provides adequate aids or grants to sports academies/training centres for the training of players. There is no significant difference in the opinions of all the selected players as the calculated value is found to be 5.73 against the tabulated value of 7.82, which is not significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-1.


Figure-1 Percentage distribution of the scores of the factors-The Government provides adequate aides or grants to sports academies/training centres for the training of players

Table-2: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors-The quality of coaching is excellent at the Khelo India Training centres.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
2.  The quality of coaching is excellent at the Khelo India Training centres.0.0%3.3%16.7%50.0%30.0%28.53*7.82

Significant at 0.05 levels

Table-2 shows the descriptive statistics in which 50% respondents are agree, 30% respondents are strongly agree, 16.7% respondents are neutral, 3.3% are disagree and 0% are strongly disagree with the quality of coaching is excellent at the Khelo India training centres. Table-2 also shows the calculated Chi-square i.e. 28.53 against the tabulated value of 7.82 and which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-2.


Figure-2 Percentage distribution of scores of the factors-The quality of coaching is excellent at the Khelo India Training centres

Table-3: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- The training facility is excellent in the Khelo India training centres.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
3.  The training facility is excellent in the Khelo India training centres.0.0%0.0%35.0%51.7%13.3%13.30*5.99

Significant at 0.05 levels

Table-3 depicts the descriptive and Chi-square analysis of the factor in which 51.7% respondents are agree, 35.0% respondents are neutral, 13.3% respondents are strongly agree and 0% respondents are disagree and strongly disagree with the training facility is excellent in the Khelo India training centres. The calculated value of Chi-square is found to be 13.30 against the tabulated value 5.99, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-3.


Figure-3 Percentage distribution of the score of the factor- The training facility is excellent in the Khelo India training centres

Table-4: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- The quality of practice equipment is excellent in the Khelo India training centres.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
4.  The quality of practice equipment is excellent in the Khelo India training centres.0.0%8.3%36.7%51.7%3.3%38.27*7.82

Significant at 0.05 levels

The descriptive and Chi-square statistics is shown in table-4. In which 51.7% respondents are agree, 36.7% respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 8.3% respondents are disagree, 3.3% respondents are strongly agree and 0% respondent strongly disagree with the quality of practice equipment in the Khelo India training centres. The calculated Chi-square value is found to be 38.27 were the tabulated value is 7.82, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-4.


Figure-4 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- The quality of practice equipment is excellent in the Khelo India training centres

Table-5: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- Mentorship is required for nurturing young talent under the Khelo India programme.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square

5.  Mentorship is required for nurturing young talent under the Khelo India programme.0.0%0.0%25.0%68.3%6.7%36.10*5.99

Significant at 0.05 levels

Table-5 depicts the descriptive and Chi-square values. In which 68.3% respondents are agree, 25% respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 6.7% respondents are strongly agree and no respondents is disagree and strongly disagree with the mentorship for nurturing young talent under the Khelo India programme. The calculated Chi-square value is found to be 36.10 against the tabulated value 5.99, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-5.


Figure-5 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- Mentorship is required for nurturing young talent under the Khelo India programme

Table-6: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- Khelo India aims to broad basing and creating a large pool of feeder athletes to prepare the best team for the nation.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
6.  Khelo India aims to broad basing and creating a large pool of feeder athletes to prepare the best team for the nation.0.0%6.7%26.7%48.3%18.3%22.27*7.82

Significant at 0.05 levels

The descriptive and Chi-square statistics is shown in table-6. In which 48.3% respondents are agree, 26.7% respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 18.3% respondents are strongly agree, 6.7% respondents are disagree and 0% respondent is strongly disagree with the statement- Khelo India aims to broad basing and creating a large pool of feeder athletes to prepare the best team for the nation. The calculated Chi-square value is found

to be 22.27 against the tabulated value 7.82, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-6.


Figure-6 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- Khelo India aims to broad basing and creating a large pool of feeder athletes to prepare the best team for the nation

Table-7: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- Psychological assessment is required at Khelo India training centres.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
7.  Psychological assessment is required at Khelo India training centres.0.0%6.7%31.7%36.7%25.0%12.40*7.82

Significant at 0.05 levels

Table-7 depicts the descriptive and Chi-square analysis in which 36.7% respondents are agree, 31.7% respondents are neutral, 25% respondents are strongly agree 6.7% respondents are disagree and 0 respondents is strongly disagree with the statement- Psychological assessment is required at Khelo India training centres. The calculated chi-square value is found to be 12.40 against the tabulated value 7.82, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-7.


Figure-7 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- Psychological assessment is required at Khelo India training centres

Table-8: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- Private training academies use public infrastructure under the Khelo India programme.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
8.  Private training academies use public infrastructure under the Khelo India programme.1.7%1.7%15.0%61.7%20.0%73.00*9.49

Significant at 0.05 levels

Table-8 shows the descriptive and Chi-square values in which 61.7% respondents are agree, 20% respondents are strongly agree, 15% respondents are neutral, 1.7% respondents are disagree and 1.7% respondents are strongly disagree with the private training academies use public infrastructure under the Khelo India programme. The calculated Chi-square is found to be 73 against the tabulated value 9.49, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-8.


Figure-8 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- Private training academies use public infrastructure under the Khelo India programme

Table-9: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- There is adequate training and opportunity for players under Khelo India programme.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
9.  There is adequate training and opportunity for players under Khelo India programme.5.0%8.3%30.0%31.7%25.0%18.67*9.49

Significant at 0.05 levels

The descriptive and Chi-square analysis is shown in Table-9. In which 31.7% respondents are agree, 30% respondents are neutral, 25% respondents are strongly agree, 8.3% respondents are disagree

and 5 % respondents are strongly disagree with the statement- There is adequate training and opportunity for players under Khelo India programme. The calculated value of chi-square is found to be 18.67 against the tabulated value 9.49, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-9.


Figure-9 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- There is adequate training and opportunity for players under Khelo India programme

Table-10: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- There is a need for regular training, regular health check-ups, and a proper diet under the Khelo India program.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
10. There is a need for regular training, regular health check-ups, and a proper diet under the Khelo India program.0.0%3.3%13.3%30.0%53.3%34.40*7.82

Significant at 0.05 levels

Table-10 explains the descriptive and Chi-square analysis in which 53.3% respondents are strongly agree, 30% respondents are agree, 13.3% respondents are neutral, 3.3% respondents are disagree and no respondent is strongly agree with the statements that There is a need for regular training, regular health check-ups, and a proper diet under the Khelo India program. The calculated Chi-square value is found to be 34.40 against the tabulated value 7.82, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-10.


Figure-10 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- There is a need for regular training, regular health check-ups, and a proper diet under the Khelo India program

Table-11: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- There is a need for periodic assessment of the progress of players under the Khelo India program.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
11. There is a need for periodic assessment of the progress of players under the Khelo India program.0.0%0.0%8.3%46.7%45.0%16.90*5.99

Significant at 0.05 levels

The descriptive and Chi-square analysis is shown in table-11. In which 46.7% respondents are agree, 45% respondents are strongly agree, 8.3% respondents are neither agree nor disagree and no respondents are disagree and strongly disagree with the statement that There is a need for periodic assessment of the progress of players under the Khelo India program. The calculated value of Chi-square is found to be 16.90 against the tabulated value 5.99, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-11.


Figure-11 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- There is a need for periodic assessment of the progress of players under the Khelo India program

Table-12: Descriptive and Chi-square analysis for the scores of the factors- Khelo Indian programme Provides awareness regarding career progression in sports.

STATEMENTSD%D%NAND%A%SA%Calculated Chi-SquareTabulated Chi-Square
12. Khelo Indian programme Provides awareness regarding career progression in sports.6.7%0.0%15.0%55.0%23.3%32.13*7.82

Significant at 0.05 levels

Table-12 shows the descriptive and Chi-square values in which 55% respondents are agree, 23.3% respondents are strongly agree, 15% respondents are neutral, 6.7% respondents are strongly disagree and 0% respondents is strongly disagree with the statements that Khelo Indian programme Provides awareness regarding career progression in sports. The calculated Chi-square value is found to be 32.13 against the tabulated value 7.82, which is significant at 0.05 levels. The graphical representation has been shown in Figure-12.


Figure-12 Percentage Distribution of the score for the factor- Khelo Indian programme Provides awareness regarding career progression in sports


As per the data collected by different training centers of north east region 60% respondents are strongly agree or agree with the government aids and grants provided to the academies/training centers for the training of players, 50% respondents are agreed to the quality of coaching, 51.7% are agreed to the training facility, 51.7% are agreed to the quality of practice equipment, 68.3% are agree to require mentorship for nurturing young talent, 48.3% agree to prepare the best team for the nation, 36.7% agree that psychological assessment is required, 61.7% are agree that private training academies use public infrastructures, 31.7% are agree that there is adequate training opportunity

for players, 53.3% are strongly agree that there is a need for regular (training, health checkups, proper diet), 46.7% are agree that there is a need for periodic assessment of the progress of players, 55% are agree that Khelo India program provide awareness regarding career progression in sports. So the majorities of respondents are agreed or strongly agree with the facility provided under Khelo India program. The results indicated that the Khelo India program on the training and nurturing of talent in northeast region was helpful to the players and have a great impact in the development of sports in India.


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