Khan T.1, Modal P.2, Chatterjee S.3*
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i02.360
1 Tajmed Khan, Research Scholar, , Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
2 Papan Modal, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Jadavpur University, , West Bengal, India.
3* Sridip Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, adavpur University, , West Bengal, India.
One aspect of good physical health is the musculoskeletal fitness.It is a composite word comprising the integrated function of muscle, bone, joints and nerves. Growing body of scientific evidence indicates that health benefits are associated with musculoskeletal fitness, such as reduced coronary risk factors, increased bone mineral density (reduced risk of osteoporosis), increased flexibility, improved glucose tolerance, and greater success in completion of activities of daily living. With the process of aging, the performance of daily tasks can become a challenge. Improved musculoskeletal fitness is associated with an enhanced health status. Thus, maintenance of musculoskeletal fitness can increase overall quality of life. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the musculoskeletal fitness status of middle age men in west Bengal. To fulfil the purpose of the study total 160 males aged between 35-55 years were acted as subjects of the study. The purposive random sampling method was used for collection of data. Leg and Back strength, Grip strength and Flexibility were measure and compare with a standard norm to know the musculoskeletal fitness status of middle-aged men in West Bengal. In the case of leg and back strength, when we compare the obtained study value (101.22 ± 28.47 kg) with the standard norm prepared by LNIP, Gwalior. The obtained value lay withinpoor to fair categories status. For the right-hand grip strength value (34.97 ± 6.73 kg) and left-hand grip strength value (33.72 ± 7.1 kg), the obtained value was Mean + SD, it belongs (<40) to the very poor category. However, in case of flexibility the standard normative score for the men is > +27, present obtained value (28.68 ± 8.91) indicates Super grade of flexibility for this population also. Based on the results of this study it may conclude that West Bengal middle-aged (35-55 years) people need to develop muscular strength in terms of leg & back strength and right and left-hand grip strength and also maintain super grade of flexibility.
Keywords: Status, Muscular Fitness, Physical Fitness, Health-Related Physical Fitness
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, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, adavpur University, , West Bengal, India.Tajmed Khan, Papan Modal, Sridip Chatterjee, A STUDY TO ASSESS THE MUSCULOSKELETAL FITNESS STATUS OF MIDDLE-AGED MEN IN WEST BENGAL. IJEMS. 2023;12(02):262-266. Available From https://ijems.net/index.php/ijem/article/view/360 |