
Research Article

Test and Mesurement

International Journal of Research Padagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2023 Volume 12 Number 03 JUL-SEP


Bhatia V.1*, Kaur H.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i03.363

1* Vinay Bhatia, Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Lovely Professional University, , Punjab, India.

2 Harmanpreet Kaur, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Lovely Professional University, , Punjab, India.

The study was standardization of artistic gymnastic skill test on Flic-Flac Salto Backward Stretched for sub junior girls. The gymnasts were chosen using a purposive sample technique to compete at the state and national levels. The face validity of the gymnastic skills test was developed. Several gymnastic skills were recorded using the FIG rulebook. 13 experts were given the list of talents to rate using a Likert scale. High-rated abilities had been taken into account for the skill test battery. The performance of the subjects was judged by three judges, and then standardised the test based on their evaluations. which has adequate face validity, high reliability, and objectivity in measuring the gymnastic skill ability of the sub-junior gymnasts.

Keywords: Artistic, Gymnastics, balancing beam

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Vinay Bhatia, Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Lovely Professional University, , Punjab, India.
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© 2023by Vinay Bhatia, Harmanpreet Kaurand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Gymnastics terms, especially for certain pieces of practice made (some without tools) with special tools and applied to competition among practitioners of these exercises—the excellence of combinations of competition based on difficulty and performance. In most incidents involving the display sequence in modern sports gymnastics, six artistic programs, i.e., horizontal bars, parallel bars, vaulting tables, Roman Rings, Pommel Horse, and floor exercises for men, and four (4) artistic events, i.e., floor exercise, balance beam, uneven or asymmetrical bars, and vaulting table for women, Trampoline and Tumbling, Sports Acrobatics, group gymnastics, and rhythmic gymnastics competitions are also included, but only those events which are italicized were inducted into the Olympic Games and other international competitions. May be the idea that matters the popularity of gymnastics, is not the whole of gymnastics without school physical education today.  Kamlesh M.L (2006).


Gymnasticis the mother game of the all sports. Indian gymnasts is not achieve a glorious at the Olympic level. So performance of the Indian women Gymnasts is very behind in2018Asiangames.TheirperformancewereaveragebutfailuretoachieveMedalinOlympics.Soresearcherneedtoassessthestandardoffemalegymnastsatgrassrootlevelandupgradethetalent of gymnasts in appropriate manner. This instrument may also be used in grading Gymnasts in  advance teaching or coaching of Gymnastic or in coaching session arranged for competition at various levels. This study will helpful physical education teachers and coaches in judging the adequacy ofachievementsoftheirplayersorstudentsinGymnasticskillandwillassisttheplayersorstudentstodiagnosingtheirownstrengthsandweaknessinGymnastic.Thetestwillbethelatesttest which fulfils the present requirement of girls Gymnastic.


  1. To standardize the artistic Gymnastic skill test on Flic-Flac Salto Backward Stretched for10 – 12 year girls
  2. To standardize the artistic Gymnastic skill test on Flic-Flac Salto Backward Stretched for 12-14 year girls.


  1. It is hypothesized that the newly constructed skill test will be highly reliable for sub junior gymnasts.
  2. It is hypothesized that the newly constructed skill test will be highly objectivity for gymnasts.


The subjects of this study was 200 girls Gymnastic players who represented minimum state and National level with the help of purposive sampling technique.

Variable-Flic-Flac Salto Backward Stretched  Dismount

Purpose- To measure the Flic-Flac Salto Backward Stretched Dismount ability



Execute a round-off to flic-flac action from a brief run-up. During the flic-flac, as the legs travel through the vertical line, snap the toes down abruptly on the mat while raising the arms by pressing through the shoulders and torso. Keep your mind in sync with your body. Extend the torso upward off the toes without leaning backwards as soon as the toes make contact with the mat. During this action, it is important to keep the upper spine rounded and the head in line with the body. Raise the torso and pelvis to begin the rotation. While maintaining a straight torso, raise the ankles forward and up. Allow no backward bending of the hips. Now extend the head and locate the landing mat.(Chakraborty S.1998)

Figure enclosed as Annexure 01

Above the Figure Shows the Salto Flic-Flac Salto Backward Stretched Dismount Skill of gymnastic battery test

Scoring:Thescore isonthebasisofjudgmentbyexperts.



Table 1. showed that  the standard score of the t, sigma, and hull scale of the Flic- Flac salto backward stretched dismount skill for gymnasts aged 10 to 12 years The minimum t, sigma , and hull score of Flic- Flac salto backward stretched dismount skill were found to be 1.41,

02.43, and 2.175, respectively, and the maximum score was found to be 6.51, 5.49, and 5.745. The results show that the minimum and maximum standard scores of t, sigma, and hull-scale of Flic- Flac salto backward stretched dismount skill as per norms score are in the poor and excellent categories.

Table 1. showed t-scale, hull-scale, and sigma-scale  standard score ofFlic -Flac salto backward stretched dismount skill for10 to 12Years Gymnasts

Enclosed as Annexure 02

Table 2 showed that  the standard score of the t, sigma and  hull scale, of Flic-Flac salto backward stretched dismount skill for 12 To 14 Years Gymnasts. The minimum score of t, sigma and hull score of Flic-Flac salto backward stretched dismount skill i.e.2.08, 2.92, and 2.71 and maximum score were found i.e.6.28, 5.44, and 5.65 respectively. The result show   that the minimum and maximum standard scores of t, sigma and hull-scale of Flic- Flac salto backward  stretched dismount skill as per norms score, lie in poor and excellent category.

Table 2 showed t-scale, hull-scale, and sigma-scale standard score  of Flic-Flac salto backward stretched dismount skill for 12To14 Years Gymnasts

Enclosed as Annexure 03



The gymnastic skill test ultimately could retain better skill item among the various skill items,which can successfully measure the two jump in succession one being a leap ability of the gymnastic players of sub-junior with acceptable face validity ,highly reliability and objectivity.


Annexure 01


Annexure 02


Annexure 03



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