
Research Article

Physical Activities

International Journal of Research Padagogy and Technology in Education and Movement Sciences

2023 Volume 12 Number 03 JUL-SEP


Chandra S.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i03.395

1 Subhash Chandra, Physical Education Teacher, , Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Rajivpuram, Unnao, Uttar Pradesh, India.

The purpose of the present study was to survey the physical activity and of school going children of Uttar Pradesh. The study employed a stratified random sampling, where the participants for the study, 3000 primary and high school children and from representative samples from different schools; aided, unaided and government. The sample selection was done following a stratified random sampling to include representative samples in the different categories. Apart from the physical data on the physical activity of school going children were collected by using a self-made questionnaire to present the physical activityofschool going children of Uttar Pradesh, descriptive statistics and percentage analysis were used. The independent t–test was used to compare the physical and health status of school going children on selected parametric variables with respect to gender.The level of significance to test the selected hypothesis was set at 0.05.

Keywords: Physical Activity, Muscular Fitness, Health Parameters

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© 2023by Subhash Chandraand Published by The University Academics. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Physical activity is well-defined as any physical movement produced by skeletal muscles those results in energy spending. Physical activity may include activities such as; professional sports, fitness and conditioning, household, transport or other activities. At the Fifty-third World Health Assembly (May 2000) WHO affirms “physical inactivity as a key risk factor in the prevention and control, and a resolution (WHA53.17) was adopted encouraging the WHO to provide leadership in combating physical inactivity and associated risk factors”. According to WHO, “for children (in the age group in between 5–17 years old) physical activity includes wide range of activity including play, games, sports, recreation, physical education or planned exercise, in the context of family, school, and community activities. Some of the following physical activities are necessary to improve cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness, bone health, cardiovascular and metabolic health biomarkers and also to reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.

➢Children and young people aged 5–17 years old should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.

➢ Physical activity of amounts greater than 60 minutes daily will provide additional health benefits.

➢ Most of daily physical activity should be aerobic. Vigorous-intensity activities should be incorporated, including those that strengthen muscle and bone, at least 3 times per week”.

The available scientific evidence indicates that higher levels of physical activity are associated with favorable health parameters and improvement in health indicators. This supports the conclusion that physical activity provides fundamental health benefits for children and youth.

Kwan et al (2012) to distinguish the methods of physical activity based on gender and educational level showed the results: as “(24%) decrease in physical activity during the period of 12 years. A remarkable decrease in physical activity was observed during the transition of young adults into early adulthood, and the decline was clear among men who started college or university.

The results also indicated an increase in many health risk behaviors during adolescence although smoking and binge drinking decreased gradually after their maturity”.

Bauman and Miller, (2004) reports that “Regular moderate physical activity is a very cost-effective way of improving and maintaining people’s health. The promotion of physical activity should therefore be a fundamental component of public health work”.

Goodwin, (2006) and Lioyd, (2005) investigated the effects of physical activity on health behavior and healthy lifestyle. Goodwin’s (2006) study reports that “male youths were more likely to participate in physical activity and less likely to feel depressed”


Preparation and administration of Questionnaire The investigator had a thorough study of surveys conducted on physical activity and prepared a draft questionnaire with different dimensions related to physical activity of school children. The draft questionnaire was sent to experts for opinion and suggestions. Accordingly, the questionnaire was modified and administered to a sample of school students. According to the responses of the subjects and the coding of data, necessary modifications were made.

Statistical Techniqueand Procedure

After collecting the data on the physical activity of school going children of Uttar Pradesh, descriptive statistics and percentage analysis were used. The independent t–test was used to compare the physical and health status of school children on selected parametric variables with respect to gender. The level of significance to test the selected hypothesis was set at 0.05. (Figure Enclosed as Annexure 01)

Analysis of Data

Table 1 indicates that 48.4% of participants mentioned that their school was below 3 kilometers from their home; 18.5% of participants mentioned that their home was between3 to 5 kilometers from school; 14% of participants mentioned it as 5 to 8 kilometers and19.1% of participants had their school above 8 kilometers from home. The graphical representation of the responses of the participants for the above is shown in figure1.(Enclosed as Annexure 02) 

Table 2 indicates that 5% of participants rated their mode of conveyance from home to school was by own car; 2.8% of participants by return vehicle; 27.2% of participants by school bus; 22.3% of participants by bicycle and 32.7% of participants by walk. The graphical representation of the responses of the participants for the above is shown in figure2. (Enclosed as Annexure 03)

Table3 indicates that 59.1% of participants mentioned that they engage in some sort of exercise at least once a week, whereas 40.9% of participants did not engage in any sort of exercise. The graphical representation of the responses of the participants for the above is shown in figure3. (Enclosed as Annexure 04)

Table4 indicates that 7.8% of participants engaged in strenuous exercise for at least three times a week; 32.1% of participants engaged in moderate exercise; 33.9% of participants in mild exercise and 26.3% of participants did not engage in any sort of exercise. The graphical representation of the responses of the participants for the above is shown in figure 4. (Enclosed as Annexure 05)

Table5 indicates that 39.1% of participants mentioned that they engage in dusting and cleaning; 21.7% of participants engage in washing clothes and dishes and 39.2% of participants did not engage in any household work. The graphical representation of the responses of the participants for the above is shown in figure5. (Enclosed as Annexure 06)

Table 6 indicates that 48.8% of participants mentioned that they involve inhousehold work every day; 15% of participants 3-5 times a week; 25.9% ofparticipants 1-3 times a week and 10.3% of participants never engaged in any house holdwork. The graphical representation of the responses of the participants for the above is shown in figure 6. (Enclosed as Annexure 07)

Discussion of Findings

The study physical activity of primary and high school children of Uttar Pradesh revealed the following findings and observations.

➢ The findings indicated that almost 75% of the participants rated their quality of life as good and very good. 79.1% of the participants were satisfied with their 166 health. 53% of the respondents mentioned that they visited the doctor at least once

during the last one month. 48% of students had missed classes at least once during the last one month due to illness or being sick. 55% of students travelled to school by walk or using bicycle. 40.9% of students mentioned that they do not engage in some sort of physical exercise at least once in a week. Almost 40% of the students do not involve in any sort of household activities as well.

➢ Gender was associated with quality of life among primary and high school children of Uttar Pradesh. Visit to doctor, distance of school from home, mode of conveyance to school showed variations with respect to gender. Involvement in household work also indicated differences with respect to gender.

➢ The general trend of lower height and weight of girls accompanied by higher resting heart rate and greater BMI suggest the progressive reduction in outdoor physical activity among girls, who might be restricted to indoor activities.

➢ The non-availability and lack of provision of quality physical activity sessions in the school environment is also a matter of concern with respect to development of physical status and health of children.


  • More than 70%of primary and high school children of Uttar Pradesh rated their quality of life as good and were satisfied with their health.
  • Almost 40.9% of students mentioned that they do not engage in any sort of physical exercise for at least once in a week; and almost 40 % of the students do not involve in any sort of house hold activities as well.
  • Boys had significantly greater weight, higher height, lower heart rate and lower BMI as compared to girls.
  • Gender was associated with quality of life, frequency of visit to doctor, distance of school from home, mode of conveyance to school and involvement in household.


  • Evaluation of health and physical fitness status be made part of the annual student evaluation to monitor progress in physical and health status of children.
  • Knowledge and awareness

  • programme about the ill effects of non-active children and its consequences maybeprovidedinschools.
  • A major project as this may be undertaken covering the entire sample of school children in the state of Uttar Pradesh to provide a wider database for mentoring and evaluating physical and healthstatusofchildren.


Annexure 01


Annexure 02


Annexure 03


Annexure 04


Annexure 05


Annexure 06


Annexure 07

















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