The Outcome Of Selected Physical Fitness Exercise In Maximizing Muscular Strength And Endurance Performance Of Male Basket Ball Players In Shone Preparatory School Of Grade Eleven Students
Tagesse M1*†
1*† Mulugeta Tagesse, Wachemo University, Wachemo, Wachemo, Ethiopia.
Strength and endurance are important components of physical fitness in maximizing basketball abilities. The study was conducted to maximize muscular strength and endurance performance on selected 30 male basketball players of Shone preparatory school Grade 11 students. These selected thirty male students were assigned as one group and their age ranges 18 and 19 years. All subjects participated in physical fitness exercises for 12 weeks i.e., three days per week and 90 minutes duration per day. Pre-test, during training test and post training tests were conducted on the physical fitness variables such as step test, Squat test, sit-ups, Pushups and 12 minutes run/walk. The data collected from subjects were analyzed by paired sample t-test to determine the differences between pre-test and post-test mean value results of the participants of the study. According to the findings of current study, step test 26.6 (beats per minute) mean differences, and squat test 7.86 (squats per minute) mean differences were recorded. The mean differences value of sit-ups and pushups performances of mean differences 8.07 and 8.24 (number per minute) were respectively recorded. In twelve minutes run 271.16 meters increments were observed. The results obtained in the study indicate that, there were significant improvements in squat, sit-ups, pushups, 12 minutes run and in the case of steps test, heart beat was reduced because of improvement in the performance. It is noted that the final findings of this study were significantly improved on all physical fitness variables due to the twelve weeks of physical fitness training program.
Keywords: Physical fitness, School, 12 week, Training
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, , , Wachemo University, Wachemo, Wachemo, Ethiopia.Tagesse M. The Outcome Of Selected Physical Fitness Exercise In Maximizing Muscular Strength And Endurance Performance Of Male Basket Ball Players In Shone Preparatory School Of Grade Eleven Students. IJEMS. 2024;13(04):41-56. Available From |