The purpose of this study was to investigate and make comparison of the motivation and goal orientations of male and female students at the collegiate level. The subjects for the study belonged to LNUPE,Gwalior. The participants were 19 male and 19 female collegiate level students.(N=38).The age range of the participants was 17 to 24 years. The sport motivation scale(SMS-28) (Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, Briere, Tuson, Blais and 1995) , and the Task and Ego Orientations Questionnaire (Duda & Whitehead, 1998) were utilized. The motivation was assessed on the factors of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and amotivation. The goal orientation was assessed on the aspects of task orientation and ego orientation. An independent t test was applied to compare the scores and it was found that in ego orientation and amotivation there was a significant difference found between male and female cricket players, as the calculated t value (for amotivation t is equal to 2.342,ego orientation t is equal to -2.217 at 36 degree of freedom) , found to be greater than the tabulated value, 2.021 at 40 degree of freedom ( as the exact value for 36 df was not available the next higher df was considered). Except these two above mentioned variables, there was no significant difference found between the male and female cricket players in all other variables.
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