The aim of this study was to assess the energy expenditure of Chandigarh secondary school children according to socio-economic status. 53 children from two different type (residential and non residential) schools were selected for the study. Verma R. P., Prof. P. C. Saxena) 1984 questionnaire was used to collect relevant sociodemographic information. Demographic variables like age, sex, level of education. With this scale three strata wrer formed that is high SES, average SES, and low SES.Energy expenditure was assessed using Bouchards three day physical activity record a 3-day activity record. Every 15-min period over 3 days, including a weekend day, was qualified in terms of energy cost on a 1 to 9 scale corresponding to a range of 1.0 MET to 7.8 METs and higher. Children were classified according to SES out of 53 subjects 49% of students were from low SES, 35% were from average SES and 13% were from high SESit indicate that the majority of were from low SES. Three day Energy expenditure was assessed. Energy expenditure of students ranges from 2649 to 1319kc/kg. Data was analyse, ANOVA2X3 were applied. Low socio-economic status children reported greater levels of average daily energy expenditure (1956.15) but difference is not as much to be significant as compare to other groups, conclusion It was concluded that the neither socio-economic status nor type of school affect the on energy expenditure as no significant difference was found.
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