Volleyball is one of the famous sports in India. Indian volleyball teams are performing well at international level especially in men section. The measurements were carried out on a sports authority of India training centre Mastuana Sahib Sangrur Punjab outdoor volleyball courts. All data is videotaped with Panasonic camera at 50 frames/sec. Study was conducted on single male subject, Ranbir Singh captain youth Indian team, Age 20 years, height 192 cm, weight 80 kg. He had 8 years experience at national level, 2 year experience at international level. selected kinematics variables were Right knee angle,Left knee angle,Right ankle angle,Left ankle angle,Right elbow angle,Left elbow angle,Hitting shoulder angle,Body inclination and Arm swing velocity. On the basis of the result obtained by the biomechanical analysis of diagonal spiking from fourth number zone some of the important parameters have found to define the model of diagonal spiking from the zone number four.
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