Becoming a good coach is not just about obtaining a degree in coaching or getting certified by an International or National organization. It is also about improving own theoretical knowledge and practical skills through practicing coaching and through participating in various refresher courses and seminars organized by various professional bodies. Practically speaking, it is only possible to stay at the top of the coaching cohort by constantly refining own professionalism through the lifelong development which comes through practice, learning and education. The forms of learning and education can be different, and it is predominantly in the hands of the coaches to pick any of those available forms and to keep own qualifications updated and to keep providing excellent services to their employers and to the community.
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Salmela J.H.(1995). Learning from the development of expert coaches.Coaching and Sport Science Journal2 (2), 3-13.
Salmela J.H., Moraes L.C.(2003). Development of expertise: what do experienced athletes remember? In: Starkes, J.L., Ericsson, KA. (Eds.), Expert performance in sports: advances in research on sport expertise. Human Kinetics, South Australia, pp. 275-294.
Schempp P.G., Tan S., Manross D., et al.(1998). Differences in novice and competent coaches' knowledge.Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice4 (1), 9-20.
Schempp P.G., Templeton C, Clark E.(1999).The knowledge acquisition of expert golf instructors. In: Farrally, M.R., Cochran, A.J. (Eds.), Science and golf III: proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. 295-301.
Schempp P.G., McCullick B. (2010). Coaches' expertise.In: Lyle, J. & Cushion, C. (Eds.), Sports Coaching. Professionalisation and practice.Elsevier.
Taylor B. & Garratt D. (2010). The professionalisation of sports coaching: definitions, challenges and critique. In: Lyle, J. & Cushion, C. (Eds.), Sports Coaching. Professionalisation and practice. Elsevier, pp. 99-117.
Trudel P., Gilbert W.(2006). Coaching and coach education. In: Kirk, D., O'sullivan, D., Macdonald, D. (Eds.], Handbook of physical education. Sage, London, pp. 531-554.
Trudel P., Gilbert W. &Werthner P. (2010).Coach education effectiveness. In: Lyle J. & Cushion C. (Eds), Sports Coaching. Professionalisation and practice.Elsevier.
Wright T., Trudel P., Culver D.(2007). Learning how to coach: the different learning situations reported by youth ice hockey coaches.Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy12 (2), 127-
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