Athletes being exposed to a number of intense physical and psychological demands, they use a set of cognitive and behavioral strategies in order to cope with these challenges and related stress. Coping strategies may also differ depending upon the nature and dynamics of the sport concerned, gender and type of sport. Hence it was the purpose of the study to analyze coping skills among national level athletes in India belonging to individual and team sports.The subjects for the study were 216 national level sportspersons consisting of 95 sportspersons belonging to individual sports and 121 sportspersons belonging to team sports. The coping style of the sportspersons was assessed using the Athlete Coping Style Inventory Questionnaire (ACSI-28) by Smith, Schultz and Ptacek (1995). The study results indicated that in case of coping skills variables, sportspersons belonging to individual sports showed significantly higher scores on goal setting and mental preparation, concentration, confidence and achievement motivation, and coachability as compared to sportspersons belonging to team sports. However, in case of freedom from worry, sportspersons belonging to team sports showed significantly higher values as compared to sportspersons belonging to individual sports.
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