The present study was designed to examine academic stress among school teachers in relation to their physical activity. A sample of three hundred (N=300)school teachers, out of which one hundred and fifty (n=150) government and one hundred and fifty (n=150) private school teachers of Chandigarh were randomly selected to act as subjects for the present study. Toexamine relationship between academic stress and physical activity among school teachers, theIndore Job Stressors Scale developed byRathod and Varma (2001) and theInternational Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) constructed by Craig et al. (2003 revised in 2005)were administered to obtain the required information. The relationship of academic stress with of physical activity was evaluated by employing Pearson’s product moment correlation technique. Results of the study revealed that physical activity significantly contributed for the reduction of academic stressamong school teacherswith regard to its sub-variables; overload, role conflict, role ambiguity and overall academic stress. However, insignificant reduction was reported with regard to sub-variable; powerless-ness, motiveless-ness and frail-interpersonal relationship of academic stress with physical activity
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