The Relationship Between Sports commitment and Athlete satisfaction in sports activities: Review of Related Literature.

  • Dr. Biruk Hundito Ass. Prof
Keywords: sports enjoyment, social constraints, training and instruction, personal treatment, team performance, and individual performance.


The main purpose of this review of related literature is to identify the relationship between sports commitments and athlete satisfaction in sports activities. To this end, the study utilized international, national, and provincial sports activities and had them recall the amount of time they spent in individual and team practice, sport-related activities, and everyday activities at the start of their career.  Furthermore, the athletes were asked to rate those activities in terms of their relevance for improving performance, effort and concentration required, and enjoyment. Since sport enjoyment and social constraint is highly related to sport commitment and athlete satisfaction. this paper identifies the relationship between sports commitments variables sport commitment (SC), sport enjoyment (SE), social constraints (SSC), and involvement opportunities with athlete satisfaction variables   training and instruction satisfaction (TIS), personal treatment satisfaction (PTS), team performance satisfaction (TPS), and individual performance satisfaction (IPS). This paper concludes that the sports commitments and player satisfaction variables are positively correlated each other in sports activities. So, that to give more emphasis any concerned body for sports commitments and athlete satisfaction of their job for better improvements of the player mentally and physically and psychologically as well.


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How to Cite
Hundito, D. B. (2022). The Relationship Between Sports commitment and Athlete satisfaction in sports activities: Review of Related Literature. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION AND MOVEMENT SCIENCES, 11(01), 1-10. Retrieved from
Review Article