Sports and games became a focal point in establishing a strong relationship wherever we lived. It is a familiar and comfortable venue for connection with each other because sport is a complex activity, which become a sort of war on human muscles and mind. We have witnessed a revolution in the wide arena of sports. Basketball is a highly competitive game and it demands high physical qualities. The prime physical qualities are explosive strength, strength endurance, agility, speed, various coordinative abilities, etc. Height without fitness or technical ability without endurance becomes a liability. In all court games, including Basketball, fast starts, sudden stops, and quick change in direction are basic to good performance. Everybody knows that Basketball is a game which requires high degree of movement, and the players should be physically fit to have a control over the game. Basketball was introduced in the olympic programme at the 1904 games in St Louis an a demonstration event. Basketball was first contested as a medal event at the 1936 olympics. Women’s basketball meanwhile made its debut at the montreal 1976 games. Start from the origin in 1891 in springfield, Massachusetts the game achieved almost immediate acceptance and popularity. In 1936 it also introduced in Olympics and plays a better version itself. USA dominated basketball olympics. However Indian basketball team scripted history by qualifying summer olympics in Moscow . After that period the performance of team started diminishing till now the uplift does not reaches the height forthcoming performance of indian team excel in future and touches the new sky.
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