Effect of Specific Yogic Exercises on Motor, Fitness Variables of Senior Secondary School Students

  • Rozy Bhatti Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Himachal Pradesh University, HP, India
  • Hari Singh Professor, Department of Physical Education, Himachal Pradesh University , HP, India
Keywords: Yoga, Motor, Fitness


in present study which is “effect of specific yogic exercises on motor fitness variables of senior secondary school students”, the effect of yogic exercise on students of age group of 14 – 17 year was evaluated. Total 72 student were participated in this study where 36 students were treated as control group those were untreated student and no yogic training was imparted to this group. Remaining 36 students grouped as experimental group those were subjected to training on yogic exercise for motor fitness variables were targeted for eight weeks duration. The training regime was consisting of combination of asana and pranayama. The motor fitness variables assigned to improve were Lower abdominal strength, Agility, Flexibility, Power of leg, Speed and Endurance (Aerobic Fitness). The paired samples t-test was applied to assess the significance of difference among the pretest and posttest training result. After analyzing the results of the study, it was concluded that there was significant difference exist on all fitness variables


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DOI: 10.55968/ijems.v12i01.241
Published: 2023-03-31
How to Cite
Bhatti, R., & Hari Singh. (2023). Effect of Specific Yogic Exercises on Motor, Fitness Variables of Senior Secondary School Students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION AND MOVEMENT SCIENCES, 12(01), 88-95. https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v12i01.241
Research Articles