Abstract: To access the physical fitness of the athletes of the most comprehensive form of Chinese martial art, wushu, JMG (Jose Manuel Garcia) test was applied during the first micro-cycle training phase of Specific preparatory and pre-competitive period (SPP and PCP). To determine the functional capabilities of wushu and the combatants’ performance level in different training phases, the JMG test was applied to evaluate the physical fitness of 31 elite Indian wushu players (21 male and 10 female), aged 20.28 ± 3.25 years, during national training camp in Meerut, India (preparatory phase and pre-competitive phase). The descriptive statistics models and tests enables the determination of the relationship between JMG test result and the combatants' performance in the first micro-cycle of SPP and PCP containing a 6 weeks of training period. Men athletes weighed 65.58 ± 6.28 (kg) and women players 56.33 ± 3.84 (kg) in SPP, 63.63 ± 7.98 (kg) and 53.31 ± 6.05 (kg), scored repetitions of in 3 exercises, with post-exercise heart rate in SPP and PCP has shown decreased HR recovery, body weight and poor physical performance level in JMG. The tests’ results imply that the poor aerobic and anaerobic conditioning in PCP than SPP may be induced by the improper recovery, over training during the pre-competitive phase. This study concludes with the requirement of training load quantification and detection of adequate intensity training of wushu during different training periods.
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