The present investigation was conducted to determine the effects of 12-week yoga asana on basal metabolic rate of Young female athlete. Thirty female athletes were selected as subjects for the present investigation aged were ranging from 19 - 21 years. To investigate the influence, 12-week yoga asana was imparted to the subject of group A (Yoga training) and B (control group). The significance of difference was tested for the basal metabolic rate by paired‘t’ test. The 12-week of yoga asana includes Poorna Bhujangasana, Baddhapadmasana, Kukkut asana, Hal asana and Ardha Matsyendrasana. The effect of 12-week yoga asana was used to identify the significant differences (p<0.005-0.001) improvement on basal metabolic rate of Young female athlete in group A (Yoga training) compared with control group B. Asana training may be recommended to improve other physiological based performance and enhance basal metabolic rate.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Govind K. Kadam, Dr. Pankaja Pandey, Dr. Kamlakar K. Kadam, Sandeep Thorat

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