A Comparative Study Of Mental Toughness Between Team Sports Games

  • Akash Bir Research Scholar,Department of Sports Sciences,Patiala,Punjab
Keywords: MentalToughness,teamsports,individualsports,analysis.


The mental toughness of athletes playing in team sports and individual sports was compared in this study. The study's subjects, a combined 40 players from the 20 male team sports of basketball and the 20 male game players of handball, were selected. They ranged in age from 18 to 25. Learn about the mental toughness of the Punjab in both team and individual sports. The Mental Toughness Questionnaire by Allen Goldberg was used to get the data. The questionnaire has 60 statements on it, including questions about handling pressure (20), focusing (17), mental rebounding (14), and having a winning mindset (20). (9 questions). Each assertion can either be true or false; these are the two conceivable outcomes. T-test was used to examine the information gleaned from               administering .


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DOI: 10.55968/ijems.v13i02.350
Published: 2024-10-03
How to Cite
Bir, A. (2024). A Comparative Study Of Mental Toughness Between Team Sports Games. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION AND MOVEMENT SCIENCES, 13(02), 35-37. https://doi.org/10.55968/ijems.v13i02.350