Prevalence And Cause Of Volleyball Sport Injury In The Case Of Female Volleyball Clubs Selected Hadiya Zone, Woredas In Ethiopia

Prevalence and cause of volleyball sport injury in the case of female volleyball clubs selected Hadiya zone, Woredas in Ethiopia

  • Behailu Shigute Father
Keywords: prevalence, Injury, volleyball


The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of injuries, injured body part and factors on volleyball players of a club in,Soro wereda, Duna  wereda ,Lemo wereda and Hosanna city in the season of 2023 G.C. Descriptive survey study was used. For this study all players, coaches and physiotherapist was included on the four selected clubs (48) volleyball players, (4) coaches and (3) physiotherapist. A self– administered questions and observation were used. The collected data were taken and analyzed by means of the Statistical Package for Social Science version 20.0. The results are displayed using table and figures. Response rate of 100% was obtained, 100% of the volleyball players experienced with one or more injuries in the season, 57 injuries occurred on the seasons and the rate were 1.18 per players. Among the injured players knee (27.1%), abrasion (25%) finger injuries showed each (20.8%). Players in the left and right front row were more exposed to injury at the time of spiking & blocking, higher injury occurred due to contact with players and wrong landing. Most injury occurred during the 3rd, 4th and 5th set of the game. Knee, abrasion and finger injuries were the most common types of injuries occurred to players. Above half of the injured players were not used kneepads. Playing court also increase the prevalence of injury. Players were not getting access of water during match & training. Physiotherapy services were functional in the club due to this they were minimize absence of players from training and match’s physiotherapists. Finally most injuries were occurred due to extrinsic factors.


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DOI: 10.55968/ijems.v13i01.356
Published: 2024-10-05
How to Cite
Shigute, B. (2024). Prevalence And Cause Of Volleyball Sport Injury In The Case Of Female Volleyball Clubs Selected Hadiya Zone, Woredas In Ethiopia: Prevalence and cause of volleyball sport injury in the case of female volleyball clubs selected Hadiya zone, Woredas in Ethiopia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION AND MOVEMENT SCIENCES, 13(01), 35-46.