The end result of all training is to make men fully grown. It is further felt that in the whole educational process, there are many factors which separately or collectively determine the quality of education. The objective of the study was to compare the teaching abilities of male and female teachers of physical education at different level schools of Rajasthan and to compare the teaching abilities of male and female teachers of physical education in middle and high schools. It has been hypothesised that there will be a significant difference between middle and high schools male and female physical education teachers of Rajasthan that there will be significant difference between physical education male and female teachers of middle and senior secondary schools of Rajasthan. The overall sample of 450 physical education teachers were selected. Result showed that the value of Mean and Standard Deviation of physical education male teachers (131.54 and 14.52) and female teachers (117.54 and 18.28) of physical education respectively. It was concluded that the male teachers of physical education are more effective than the female teachers of physical education at the different level of schools and the sex difference plays an important role in teaching.
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