It is obvious, when physical activity included in our daily routine, results an overall development of cardiovascular health status. Measurement of heart rate has been used widely for assessing the pattern of cardiac autonomic function in various exercise condition. Aerobic dance movement is a modern type of physical exercise which helps to improve cardiovascular fitness. The purpose of the study was to observe the immediate effect of a schedule aerobic dance exercise as a moderate exercise intervention on heart rate in different physiological conditions. Fifteen (n=15) physically active male adults (age=24.47±1.03) pursuing the Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.ED) course were recruited as subjects of this study. For the collection of data purposive sampling method was used. They were provided a ten-minute aerobic dance exercise protocol before the test. The heart rate (HR) was recorded as pre-dance exercise (resting HR), just after ten minutes of dance exercises (exercise HR) and post dance exercise (recovery HR) up to ten minutes more. Continues measurement of heart rates (HR) were done by the Holter machine. The mean resting heart rate was recorded as 55.53±7.75 beats/min, which after ten minutes of aerobic dance exercise reached up to 136.93±13.92 beats/min and again in 10th minute of recovery, it came down to 65.26±6.04 beats/min. RM of ANOVA shows that there was a significant difference in resting heart rate, exercise heart rate and recovery heart rate. Aerobic dance exercise shows significant change of heart rate among pre, during and post exercise session.
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