The purpose of the study was to find out the difference of the students of two type of training institution as the Bachelor of Physical Education and the primary Teachers Training institution considering different Physiological variables. 30 students at the age group of 21-25yrs. were considered from each of the institution as the subject of the study. The Physiological variables were blood glucose level, pulse rate, blood pressureand the data were collected both in the resting and exercised condition. There was no significant difference found in case of blood glucose level in both the resting and exercised condition. The resting heart rate(96.8) of the students of the P.T.T.I. were significantly higher but the exercised heart rate(135.8) were significantly lower than the students of the B.P.Ed. institution(70.30 and 163.5 respectively). The resting systolic blood pressure(122.5) of the P.T.T.I. students were significantly higher and the diastolic blood pressure(59.0) were significantly lesser than that of the B.P.Ed. students(106.80 and 66.3 respectively). In case of exercised condition both the systolic blood pressure(152.0) and the diastolic blood pressure(68) of the B.P.Ed. students were higher than that of P.T.T.I. students(128.0 and 56 respectively).
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