In modern sports, the anthropometric measurements and their relationship with various motor abilities are an important guide for coaches for classification and selection of sportsperson according to their age, ability etc. Several factors such as age, height, weight and various growth and motor fitness parameters influence the selection of players. The most fundamental characteristic of life is movement. Man is born with certain fundamental movements; these movements in various forms express the existence of life from the minute microscopic organism to the higher animal. The variations in physical out look of human are interesting aspects which has tempted the scientists to analyze and classify them. Growth and Development of human being is a continuous process which begins at conception and ends at death. The term growth and development are often used inter changeably, but there is a difference in emphasis implied by each though growth considers to be one aspects of development. In this study an attempt has been made to find out the age related changes on growth and motor performance of 14 and 15 years boys. The subjects of the present study were selected randomly from the school Naihati Narendra Vidyaniketan of 24 Pgs (N) District,WB. Thirty students of each age group’s i.e. 60 boy’s students were randomly selected for this purpose. The criteria measured in this article were- Growth Parameters i.e.; height, weight, thigh girth, calf girth, biceps girth and Motor Performance parameters i.e.; 4x10 mt. shuttle run, standing broad jump, stork stand and 600 yd. run & walk. The data on the growth and motor performance parameters were analyzed by applying ANOVA to find out significant differences if any among the various age groups. Significant results were found in height, weight, thigh girth, calf girth, biceps girth, 4x10 mt. shuttle run, SBJ, stork stand and 600 yd run & walk.
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