A study on handball players was conducted to find out the effects of anthropometric variables on handball performance. The playing ability of the subjects was measured by the panel of three expert judges during inter - college competition on five point scale, on the basis of their all round performance. Independent anthropometric variables were age, height, weight, shoulder width, biacromion width, arm length, upper arm length, fore arm length, leg length, calf circumference, sitting height, supra iliac skin fold, thigh skin fold, sub -scapular skin fold, calf skin fold, bicep skin fold an tricep skin fold. Correlation and stepwise regression statistical procedure was applied to identify the effect of anthropometric variables on handball performance. Out of seventeen anthropometric variables fourteen variables had significant relationship with playing ability in handball, as per as combined contribution of anthropometric variables towards playing ability is concerned, only six anthropometric variables were found significant in the final equation of step-wise regression.
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