The study was conducted to analyse long range shooting of girls basketball players. Ten female basketball players, who represent C.S.J.M. University Kanpur, were selected as subjected for the study. With the help of Casio High Speed Camera (300 F/s) was used to film the subjects is sagital plane of Set shot. Siliconcoach Pro 7 Software was used in order to obtain the values of selected angular kinematics variables Ankle Joint(right), Knee Joint(right), Hip Joint(right) Shoulder joint(right), Elbow joint (right)and Wrist joint (right)) from develop stick figures feature And linear kinematic variable such as Height of ball release, Velocity of ball release, Angle of ball release and standing height of players. The data was analyzed by use of Descriptive statistics.The results have at long range shooting subject gained maximum ankle that is 130.10 degree in execution po sition with knee 175.20, hip175, shoulder 102.30, elbow 150.40 and wrist 149.70. At long range shooting subject gained maximum height of ball release is 2.12 mts. at kinematic variable with angle of release is 75.3 degree, velocity 75.03ms-1 and 1.62mt. of standing height of players.
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