The purpose of the study was to analyse the comparison between vital capacity of exercisers and non exercisers male of middle aged men from various places of Punjab and Haryana. To determine this, 100 exercisers who were involved in any type of exercisers, regularly atleast for half an hour and 100 non exercisers who did not indulged in any type of exercise were randomly selected as subjects. To measure various selected variables of vital capacity i.e F.V.C(L), F.E.V1(L), FEV1/ FVC%(L/S), PEF(L/S), FEF(25-75%)L/S, Vmax25%, Vmax50%, Vmax75% spirometer was used. To analyse the computed scores of both the groups on vital capacity level, the‘t’ test was employed. Out of eight variables six variables showed significant differences. Following are the ‘t’ values of variables F.V.C(L) 4.02, F.E.V1(L) 4.74, PEF(L/S) 2.87, FEF(25-75%)L/S 2.79, Vmax25% 2.91, Vmax50% 2.79, which were found significant at .05 level but the ‘t’ test values of FEV1/ FVC%(L/S) and Vmax75% were 1.87 and 1.85 respectively and no significant difference was found.
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