The purpose of this Descriptive Comparative study was to compare the stress level between male athlete, non-athlete and female athlete, non-athlete aged between 18 to 25 years from Goa. Total 200 students were selected based upon non-Probability based Purposive Sampling Technique out of which 50 were Male athletes, 50 were male non-athletes, 50 were female athletes and 50 were Female non-athletes. The data was collected with the help of PSS (perceived stress scale) standardized by Sheldon 1983 in the form of paper pencil test. The test contains 10 items, which measures symptoms associated with the stress level of the participants. In which the score is normalised on the 5-point scale (never-0, almost never -1 Sometimes-2 fairly Often-3 vary often-4) where in (0-13) being the low stress and (14-26) being the moderate stress (27-40) would be consider high perceived stress Further the data was analysed statistically, the calculated Mean value of comparison of stress level between male athlete and non-athlete, female athlete and non-athlete was 16.36 and 24.34, 17.72 and 21.92 respectively. Further for comparing the data Independent Sample T test was computed. The calculated t value was -9.22 for Male athlete and non-athlete and -5.25 for Female athlete and non-athlete, the result shows the calculated t value has a significant difference at 0.05 level of significance (p=0.00) hence it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the stress level of male athlete & male non-athlete; And female athlete & female non-athlete from Goa. The study concludes that Male and Female athletes have less stress level than that of male and female non-athlete.
Key words : stress level, Male athlete, Male non-athlete, Female athlete, Female non-athlete
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